The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki
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Wolf is a masked celebrity contestant on the sixth season of The Masked Singer UK.


Wolf is a grey wolf with a long greyish tan coat with light tan ruffles. Inside the coat is a red undershirt with a pink collar and gold buttons adorning it. There is also a blue cravat at Wolf's neck. Wolf also wears long black spiky boots following up with their long black trousers.


Week Song Selection Result
1 "Let’s Dance" by David Bowie SAFE
2 "Copacabana" by Barry Manilow SAFE
4 "The Candy Man" by Sammy Davis Jr SAFE
5 "Birds of a Feather" by Billie Eilish SAFE
6 "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol SAFE
"Don’t Dream It’s Over" by Crowded House SAFE
7 "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga THIRD PLACE
"With You I’m Born Again" by Billy Preston & Syreeta Wright with Knitting
"Love Is All Around" by Wet Wet Wet UNMASKED


Week Clue
1 “Well, hello, it’s me. You won’t want to keep this wolf from your door. But I’m ready to make my mark on The Masked Singer. You wanna know more about little old me? Let’s find out what’s inside here. "When you’re a wolf, some might think you’re big and some might think you’re bad." But there’s always two sides to every story. Are you ready to just take me as I am? If the three little pigs would listen to my advice, no huffing, no puffing would’ve blown those houses down. It’s all about good foundations if you wanna keep a roof over your head. I should know. Not that I’m bitter about the whole business. But I’m ready to sink my teeth into this competition.”
2 “I made it through the first performance. The guesses certainly have me howling. It might not have been too revolutionary, but I think my opening gambit was a move in the right direction. This competition is certainly dramatic. More soap opera than fairytale from my experience. It’s true, I’m ready to be on top of the food chain, claim that Masked Singer crown. I’ll paint a picture of my early life. As a cub, I traded expectations others might have had and set off down my own road. High school was where I slipped out of my pack. Now this wolf is ready to go my own way. I’ll be the next big thing in this competition!”
4 “Once upon a time, there was a Wolf who found they had survived another week. Let’s hope it’s not Bon Voyage tonight. Some of the guesses the panel produced last week gave me the willies, but nobody puts this Wolf in the corner. To cast aside any pre-conceptions you might have about wolves. Ok, some might pretend to be little old grandmas, but am I an imposter, a Wolf in sheep’s clothing? I may be mysterious, but as if I’d stoop so low. I could narrate my entire life story for you, but it’s no fairy tail. Ha! I’m only messing with you. Lone wolf or running with the pack, the Wolf has done it all. You might think wolves are outsiders, but I’ve joined forces with others in the past - some who have a very particular set of skills, skills they have acquired over a very long career. I hope you’ve wolfed down all of those clues and it hasn’t spoiled your appetite for my performance tonight.“
5 “Last week was paw-some, but the heat is on and I’m not ready to cut this fairy story short! Hello, Konnichiwa, Howdy, here’s Wolfy! It’s a tale as old as time but I’ve got used to Saturday Night being a bit of a break, now it’s been a regular Witch Hunt to find out who’s behind the fur. Time for a change of gear, who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Well don’t be, this one knows how to let their hard down and enjoy a good boogie. There’s something about this Wolf you should know an encounter with You Know Who opened up a new world for youse to rule in! But you’re hoping to squeeze another few clues out of me? How Wicked, not by the hairs of your chinny chin chin, you’ll have to try harder than that if you want to catch me! Now have I got a song for you!“
6 “A long long time ago in a TV Studio far away, this competition began but will there be a happy ever after for the Wolf? I’m relieved I didn’t bite the dust last week, crashing out now would be a true shame! Be careful because I’m still standing, you should have known it wouldn’t be that easy to get rid of me. It’s the Semi-Final and I’ve got old scores to settle, I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. Oh, I’m no angel, I might be a wild thing but you know what you get with a Wolf like me! Nothing’s holding me back when I’m in full flow. I’m definitely not a Londoner but I’ve shown I can lead the East End to victory. All things that mean I’m prepared for a battle that’s out of this world. Get ready for an un-fur-gettable performance from this Wolf! See what I did there?“
7 “Well, hello, I’ve huffed and I’ve puffed myself all the way to the Final and I’m ready to eat this competition for breakfast! This is no time to be “Idol“, there is a fire within me and I’m ready to fight like the Phoenix from the flames to fight for that glittering prize and be crowned The Masked Singer winner. Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my! What will the outcome of this fable be? You’ll soon find out. I have enjoyed the spotlight, but as a Wolf, it’s the moonlight that really has the power over me. My Wolf howls would have soundtracked at least one of your summers. It’s all very cloak and dagger around here, but there’s nobody without this bug. I’m ready to pack all I can into this Final performance for your entertainment.“
Week Riddle Me This
1 As a wolf I’ve held dominion over everything I see, wild woods, creek or cave, that’s my territory.
Week Postcards Clue
2 "Despite usually being so accident prone, we've managed to avoid any trips to the doctor this holiday."
"It's making me reminisce about the good old days, being overseas, hanging out with the gang."
Week Cluenections Clues
5 Right
Clue Answers
The umbrellas in the clue VT were a nod to Marti's band, Wet Wet Wet
"I'm used to Saturday night being a bit of a break" was a reference to Whigfield's 'Saturday Night' ending their 15 week run at number 1
A book of bedtime stories with sleeping beauty was a clue to the Wet Wet Wet hit 'Goodnight Girl'
The step ladders were a clue to Wet Wet Wet's greatest hits album 'Step By Step'
The magnifying glass with a question mark on it was a nod to their hit 'Sweet Little Mystery'

Final Guesses[]

Week Danny’s Guess Davina's Guess Maya’s Guess Jonathan's Guess
7 Joseph Washbourne Midge Ure Billy Idol Paul Young


  • Wolf is the only finalist to have never once been at risk throughout the duration of the sixth series.
  • Wolf is the second British contestant to sing his own song after being unmasked. He was preceded by Eiffel Tower.
    • Furthermore, he is the only Series 6 contestant not to sing their final song after being unmasked.
  • He is the second Wolf not to sing their final song after being unmasked after the American Wolf.
    • Furthermore, both Wolf masks performed one of their own songs after being unmasked with it being their most well known song in both cases.
  • Davina previously guessed Marti to be the Ghost in Series 4.