The Masked Singer is an American reality singing competition television series. The series premiered on FOX on January 2, 2019. The show features costumed celebrities competing against each other. They sing each week, trying to make it to the finale in which they win the Masked Singer trophy. After the performances in each episode, the singer with the lowest amount of votes is eliminated and their identity is revealed. The Masked Singer also airs on ITV in the United Kingdom. |
The Masked Dancer is an American reality dancing competition television series. The series premiered on FOX on December 27, 2020. The show features costumed celebrities competing against each other. They dance each week, trying to make it to the finale and win. After the performances in each episode, the dancer with the lowest amount of votes is eliminated and their identity is revealed. The Masked Dancer also airs on ITV in the United Kingdom. |
The Masked Singer
The Masked Dancer
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The Masked Singer Wiki is an encyclopedic database, created and maintained by fans for fans, dedicated to providing our visitors with detailed information on all the different aspects of The Masked Singer and its spin-off, The Masked Dancer-shows, including episodes, the masks, and much more. This is a fan-made site, and therefore any visitor is free to edit and add any information they have about any of the series to these wiki pages.
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