The Masked Singer Brasil is a Brazilian reality singing competition television series. The series premiered on August 10, 2021. The show features costumed celebrities competing against each other. In each episode, the competitors are divided into duels or otherwise, in which each one performs a song of their choice. In each confrontation, the studio audience votes and the winner of those duels remains in competition, while the loser is at risk. At the end of each episode, the losers or masks at risk face off by singing and the panelists determine who will be unmasked and who will stay in the running.
Series Overview[]
Season | Contestants | Episodes | Duration Dates | Winner | Runner-up | Other finalists |
1 | 12 | 9 | Aug. 10, 2021 - Oct. 19, 2021 | Unicórnio | Monstro | Arara & Gata Espelhada |
2 | 16 | 13 | Jan. 23, 2022 - Apr. 24, 2022 | Dragão | Camaleão | Leoa |
3 | 14 | 12 | Jan. 22, 2023 - Apr. 9, 2023 | DJ Vitória-Régia | Abelha-Rainha | Galo |
4 | 12 | Jan. 21, 2024 - Apr. 7, 2024 | Bode | Preguiça | Sereia Iara | |
5 | TBA | TBA | 2025 | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Special | Air Date |
Ivete e os Mascarados | October 9, 2022 |
The Masked Singer Brasil: Christmas Special | December 22, 2024 |
- As of Season 4, there have been 54 contestants on the show.