Major Spoiler Warning! This article or section features spoilers for the show, which may include the unmasking of celebrities. Once the season is finished, this notice may be removed. Read at your own risk!
Tattoo is based around the stereotypical heart tattoos, with a feminine face as a head and the costume being a heart with flowers adorned around it alongside a long ribbon that has the word "LOVE" written on it. The costume also has an arrow going through the heart.
“Oh hello there! It’s me, Tattoo. I’m so excited to be here. This tattoo doesn’t want to be hidden, I’m too firey for that. I might look all hearts and flowers, but don’t be fooled by my appearance. If you asked, say, 100 members of the public, they’d tell you I’m not just decorative. I’ve always followed my heart when it comes to my career, and this time, it’s led me here, to The Masked Singer. It’s the ultimate screen tet, and it’s time I got in on the act. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. I’m ready for my closeup tonight.”
”Oh, hello there! It looks like this tattoo has already made its mark on the competition! How do I feel after last week’s performance, ink-redible! My heart skipped a beat and I’m just so happy to have made it through, this has always been in blood but you could say I am a bit of a late starter! If you want something quick get a transfer, but if you want something to last you’ve got to take your time, all the best tattoos do. Wouldn’t it be good if I made it past the halfway point. A little birdie told me some people think getting a tattoo can be quite traumatic, suits me just fine. I’ve always been vocal, in fact I’ve been known to get on my soapbox. I’m just kneading, you don’t have to take it to heart but I’m really happy to feel the love tonight.”
Riddle Me This
If you want a tattoo then you surely have heard, you can’t beat a loved one with one special word.