The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki

Season 3 of Álarcos Énekes, the Hungarian version of The Masked Singer premiered on September 5, 2021 and concluded on November 1, 2021.

Contestant Progress[]


Rank Photo Contestant/Celebrity Ep. 1 Ep. 2 Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5 Ep. 6 Ep. 7 Ep. 8 Ep. 9 Ep. 10
1st TMS-HU S3-Kaméleon Kaméleon (Chameleon) - Tomi Vastag ENTER
2nd TMS-HU S3-Víziló Víziló (Hippopotamus) - Laura Cserpes ENTER
3rd TMS-HU S3-Cápa Cápa (Shark) - Tamás Szabó Kimmel WIN BTM3 WIN WIN WIN WIN 3rd
4th TMS-HU S3-Lovag és Csacsi Lovag és Csacsi (Knight and Donkey) - Gryllus Dorka & Simon Kornél BTM3 WIN BTM2 WIN BTM3 ELIM
5th TMS-HU S3-Automata Automata (Automaton) - Adél Csobot ENTER
6th TMS-HU S3-Szarvas Szarvas (Deer) - Krisztián Zámbó WIN BTM3 WIN ELIM
7th TMS-HU S3-Gorilla Gorilla - Lotfi Begi WIN WIN WIN SUPER

[note 1]
8th TMS-HU S3-Kacsa Kacsa (Duck) - Tünde Kiszel WIN BTM3 ELIM
9th TMS-HU S3-Holdjáró Holdjáró (Rover) - Anikó Nádai BTM3 WIN ELIM
10th TMS-HU S3-Zombi Zombi (Zombie) - Andrea Szulák WIN ELIM
11th TMS-HU S3-Katica Katica (Ladybug) - Mary Nótár WIN SUPER

[note 2]
12th TMS-HU S3-Zsiráf Zsiráf (Giraffe) - Fanni “Nemazalány” Halastyák BTM3 ELIM
13th TMS-HU S3-Csiga Csiga (Snail) - Ági Kovács ELIM
14th TMS-HU S3-Róka Róka (Fox) - Ági Szabados ELIM
15th TMS-HU S3-Eperke Eperke (Strawberry) - Pákó Fekete SUPER

[note 3]
The contestant won Álarcos Énekes.
The contestant was a runner-up.
The contestant placed third.
The contestant won the face off.
The contestant entered the competition as a wildcard and won the face off.
The contestant entered the competition as a wildcard, lost the face off, and placed in the bottom three but was not eliminated.
The contestant lost the face off and was placed in the bottom but was not eliminated.
The contestant lost the face off and placed in the bottom two & was eliminated.
The contestant did not participate in the episode.
A judge guessed the contestant correctly via Szuperkártyáját and were forced to unmask.

Note: The panelists were given a Szuperkártyáját (translated as Super Card), a one-use item that allows for a judge to try and immediately guess the identity of a celebrity behind their mask. If they get it right, the masked celebrity must immediately unmask and be eliminated from the competition.


Photo Contestant/Celebrity Entering Episode Final Episode
TMS-HU S3-Kaméleon Kaméleon (Chameleon) - Tamás Vastag Ep. 1 Ep. 10
TMS-HU S3-Víziló Víziló (Hippopotamus) - Laura Cserpes Ep. 4
TMS-HU S3-Automata Automata (Automaton) - Adél Csobot Ep. 7 Ep. 8


# Image Title Airdate
1 Season 3, Episode 1 September 5, 2021
2 Season 3, Episode 2 September 12, 2021
3 Season 3, Episode 3 September 19, 2021
4 Season 3, Episode 4 September 26, 2021
5 Season 3, Episode 5 October 3, 2021
6 Season 3, Episode 6 October 10, 2021
7 Season 3, Episode 7 October 17, 2021
8 Season 3, Episode 8 October 24, 2021
9 Season 3, Episode 9 October 31, 2021
10 Season 3, Episode 10 November 1, 2021


  1. Zsofi used his Super Card to correctly guess Gorilla which caused him to unmask immediately and Automaton (Automata) to join the competition.
  2. Fluor Tomi used his Super Card to correctly guess Ladybug (Katica) which caused her to unmask immediately and Hippo (Víziló) to join the competition.
  3. Ervin Nagy used his Super Card to correctly guess Strawberry (Eperke) which caused him to unmask immediately and Chameleon (Kaméleon) to join the competition.