The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki

Season 2 of The Masked Singer Austria premiered on February 15, 2021 and concluded March 22, 2021.

Contestant Progress[]

Rank Photo Contestant/Celebrity Ep.1 Ep.2 Ep.3 Ep.4 Ep.5 Ep.6
1st Babyelefant (Baby Elephant) - Sandra Pires BTM4 BTM4 WIN WIN SAFE WIN SAFE 1st
2nd Donaunymphe (Danube Siren) - Madita WIN WIN WIN WIN SAFE WIN SAFE 2nd
3rd Gelse (Mosquito) - Jakob Seeböck WIN WIN BTM3 BTM3 SAFE BTM2 3rd
4th Frechdachs (Cheeky Badger) - Cesár Sampson BTM4 WIN WIN WIN SAFE ELIM
5th Weintraube (Grape) - Elisabeth Görgl WIN WIN BTM3 BTM3 ELIM
6th Wackeldackel (Bobblehead) - Robert Almer WIN BTM4 WIN ELIM
7th Germknödel (Yeast Dumpling) - Roberto Blanco WIN BTM4 ELIM
8th Schaf (Sheep) - Nicole Beutler BTM4 ELIM
9th Wildschwein (Wild Boar) - Klaus Eberhartinger ELIM
The contestant won The Masked Singer Austria.
The contestant was a runner-up.
The contestant placed third.
The contestant was safe from elimination.
The contestant won the face off.
The contestant lost the face off and was placed in the bottom but was not eliminated.
The contestant lost the face off and was placed in the bottom & was eliminated.
The contestant did not participate in the episode.


  • Every single bottom placement throughout the season had either Babyelefant or Gelse on it, but never both of them at the same time.
    • Ironically enough, both ended up as finalists, with Babyelefant winning the season.