"I reigned 5000 years ago, and plunged into eternal sleep with the promise of living forever in the reed field. But upon awakening back to life, I found myself in this strange place. At first I was confused, because I didn't know who all these strange beings around me were, but then I understood where I was. And although I grew up in a delightful garden, the truth is that I am already used to living in a museum. And although all of you see me as very calm and peaceful, make no mistake, as a good crocodile I was well known for my powerful bite. Although all of you may see me as very confident, I have always cared a lot about what people say, and I hope that tonight you all will say that I am the best on stage. There are things about this modern world that I love, like cinematography. Although at this time I could also make a living from my wonderful voice, I once had a big dream, which just for a second did not come true. But now I don't want to waste any more time and I'm going to show what I can do. I was already a pharaoh in the Nile Valley, and now I'm going to reign on the stage of ¿Quién es la máscara? Plebeians get ready to admire the Egyptian King."
Clue Answers
When he takes a mask off a bodyguard, it alludes to his participation as host of ¿Quién es la máscara?
With "powerful bite" he refers to his character "Poncho Aurelio".
Rey Egipcio is the fourth contestant in the franchise history to be someone who hosted before. The first was Bulldog (US), the second was Păun, and the third was Máquina de Dulces.
Adrián Uribe shares with Galilea Montijo the distinction of having participated in ¿Quién es la Máscara? as a regular panelist, host, contestant, and guest panelist: