The Raven wears a black shirt that has black accents on one sleeve and a diagonal hem line with metal panels. The shirt is accompanied by matching pants. The mask resembles a raven's head with grayish designs. The costume also comes with a cage surrounding the back of her head with a raven's nest on top of it.
Song Selection
"Rainbow" by Kesha
"Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga
"Brave" by Sara Bareilles
"All my life I've listened to other people's stories, so now is my opportunity to share mine. I've always been a sunny kind of person, and an audience is something I've never had trouble attaining. No one talks more than me. But recently I suffered a tragic loss. So doing this show gives me the opportunity to honor my beloved. Becoming 'the Raven' makes me feel like I found beauty in the darkness. Like a phoenix from the ashes, I will rise up and find a light. So don't cry, baby. This one's for you."
"This journey is taking me to places I never thought I would have the courage to revisit. I confronted the loss of my beloved with my last performance. It was like the clouds started to part and the long-awaited transformation began. I was once the loneliest bird among all others. And no one recognized my beauty. And two years ago when a man came to town, he saw me in a new light and took me away from my flock. I cried tears of love into the Hudson River. I couldn't believe someone finally saw my gifts. Now my wings are unclipped, and tonight, my performance is all about my new-found freedom and just being me."
"Being in this competition has challenged me to go against all my basic instincts, especially having to be silent after making a career of talking to people. Yet being alone with my thoughts has given me a chance to think about my own story. Looking back on my life, I have a bird's eye view. From death to love to birthing you, my greatest joy is being a mother to my flock. You might say that's so me and it's not just talk. Sometimes you have to look back to go forward. And tonight, I'm singing with the courage I've gained from being here. And I never want it to end."
Physical Clue
Emmy Award
Clue Answers
The mention of the Hudson River in Raven's package was a clue for Ricki's hometown, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY.
The "man who came to town" in Raven's package was John Waters, whose classic film, "Hairspray," launched Ricki's career.
The physical clue of the Emmy was a nod to Ricki's Emmy award-winning talk show, "The Ricki Lake Show."
Other Clue Answers
"So don't cry, baby" refers to the cult classic John Waters movie she starred in, "Cry-Baby."