Rat is a masked celebrity contestant on the fifth season of The Masked Singer UK.
Rat is depicted as a handyman, who wears blue overalls, complete with a set of tools, and two patches on the bottom. She also wears a tartan cap and matching scarf to complete her look.
Week | Song Selection | Result |
1 | "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!!" by Vengaboys | WIN |
3 | “Nellie the Elephant” by Mandy Miller | ELIM |
Sing-Off Performances[]
Week | VS | Song Selection |
3 | Dippy Egg | "Y.M.C.A." by Village People |
Week | Clue |
1 | "Oh my god, it's me, Ratty, and it's all systems go. People think rats are pests, but that's just pure garbage. I'm the handiest rodent you'll ever meet. Getting teenage kicks from scratching out this living. You could say a peep too soon. You've got to start early to win this rat race late. I love making sure everything's squeaky clean. It keeps me all more happy. What's in the pipeline for me, you ask? Times tick-tocking and I'm on the clock. Time to take the plunge." |
3 | "It's me, Ratty. I'm flushed with success. After last week's performance smiling whisker to whisker, the panel's guesses, hee hee hee, they haven't caught me yet. Practicing my lines alone is one thing, but rodents like to run around with others. I'll tell you what, dawg, I'm a champion companion. I've regenerated more than once, made a name for me self. But who wants one name when you can have three? You find all sorts of stranger things down here. And I'm ready to make me mark on this competition. Time to make the fair fly." |
Week | Riddle Me This |
1 | "There is no regret when I say what I say, because all I've achieved, I've given away." |
Truth or Custard Pies |
"The trapeze doesn't bother me. It's not the first time I've crossed a dangerous path." |
"If you ask me, the circus entrance could do with a fresh lick of paint." |
Clue Answers |
The "Rat 1O F4" number plate was a reference to being 1 of 4 judges on Strictly. |
The clock being set to 15:15 was a nod to Shirley joining Strictly in Series 15. |
"Champion companion" was a clue to being a championship winning dancer. |
"Who wants 1 name when you can have 3" hints to having had 3 surnames - Ballas, Rich, and Stopford. |
Final Guesses[]
Week | Mo's Guess | Davina's Guess | Olly’s Guess | Jonathan's Guess |
3 | Claire Sweeney | Jodie Comer | Kerry Katona | Jodie Whitaker |
Group Performance ‘Let Go For Tonight’ By Foxes - Series 5 - Episode 3
GROUP PERFORMANCE ‘By Your Side’ By Calvin Harris Ft. Tom Grennan - Series 5 - Episode 8
with Weather, Chicken Caesar, Bubble Tea, Owl, Dippy Egg, Maypole, Air Fryer, Eiffel Tower, Cricket, Bigfoot, and Piranha
- Rat is the twelfth UK contestant to not sing her final song after being unmasked.
- Rat and Weather are the only contestants who never appeared on an episode with Rita Ora as a panelist.