"Can’t Remember to Forget You" by Shakira ft. Rihanna
Clue (Translated)
"I always count on the support of the people. Queen of the sea? Seriously, did they just tell me that? I don't understand, although there is someone in my family who has been crowned. One of the things I enjoy most about the seabed is that there are no distractions, and it allows me to spend time with the people I love the most, like my family and friends. Another fascinating thing about living here is the amount of things you find, things that humans lost. I don't really know what they are or what they are for. Many say they are human secrets, and I tell you what, I'm the best at keeping secrets. But it's time to leave the depths and extend my tentacles to the stage of ¿Quién es la Máscara?"
Clue Answers
The image of the Tower of Pisa in her clue package refers to her Italian roots.
Other Clue Answers
In her clue package, Pulpo made it clear that social networks are an important part of her life by saying, "I always count on the support of the people."
During her clue package she shared that she loves to travel, and among the destinations shown in various photographs were the United States and Italy.
She showed off in her clue package that she is the holder of different awards, among them, a Platinum Record for the high sales of one of her songs.