Pez's appearance is that of a scorpionfish, with a long tail and fin rays. She wears a suit with brown and white stripes, an orange transparent skirt and black fins on her feet. The mask is a scorpionfish's head with large red lips.
"I come from the capital of the sea, where I had to leave my family behind, so the gray days that made me a little sad were far away. But soon I realized that I bring the light with me, and although in life everything is happiness, in reality there is a small beauty spot. I'm afraid to sing live, it's not the first time I sing, I already did it in Yucatán, but it's the first time I do it as a fish, so be patient, because I'm going a little slow, but I'll get there."
"When I heard some comments about my performance, I felt like a fish out of water, because I just wanted to give them a good show. I prepared myself a lot, because for me a good show requires a lot of technique and passion, I learned that from my family, since they are masters on the dance floor. I am not a pituco fish, I have a taste of the Pacific. So since I was a little girl I already knew what it was to be a star, I just hope that tonight I can shine for all of you."
Clue Answers
The "capital of the sea" refers to the city of Lima, Peru.
The word "Pituco" in Peru is used to refer to someone preppy.
When she says "Llegaré (I'll get there)" she is referring to her first single as a singer.
"Yucatán" is the film she starred at in 2018.
Final Guesses[]
Adrián's Guess
Carlos' Guess
Consuelo's Guess
Yuri's Guess
Stephanie Cayo
Stephanie Salas
Danna García
Pez made a small appearance at the opening of the season 2 premiere.