The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki
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Pegasus is a masked celebrity contestant on the sixth season of The Masked Singer UK.


Pegasus is a white winged horse with short hair wearing a dark grey armor all over their body ending in a long dress skirt, as well as their face being covered in an armoured mask.


Week Song Selection Result
1 "Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'" by Gordon MacRae ELIM


Week Clue
1 “Greetings, mortals! It is I, Pegasus. Friend to Gods and Pharaohs, now I prepare to embark my own adventure, The Masked Singer. I have flown over seas and kingdoms to be here. We all must play our part. But how will this wind-traveller fare? I’m not about to put myself on a plinth, but I hope you’re ready for a clash of the titans. Having taken on Herculean tasks in my past, I am chomping at the bit to get started. You see the competition’s first wind-horse, but it’s not my first time breaking new ground. I’ve held many titles and been known for many roles. Will The Masked Singer champion be one of them?”
Week Riddle Me This
1 Pegasus is timeless, who cares about your age, if you’ve got the right words you command any stage
Clue Answers
"I have flown overseas and kingdoms to be here" was a clue to Prue being from South Africa
The Make-Up Artist wearing a kilt was a nod to Prue being made Chancellor of a University in Edinburgh
"It’s not my first time breaking new ground" was a hint to being the first woman on the British Railway Board
The vase with a blue ribbon was a nod to Prue moving to London to attend "Le Cordon Bleu" Culinary School

Final Guesses[]

Week Mo’s Guess Davina’s Guess Vicky’s Guess Maya’s Guess Jonathan's Guess
1 Jane Seymour Elizabeth McGovern Clare Balding Joanna Lumley Dame Prue Leith


  • At 84 years old, at the time of participating, Pegasus is the oldest contestant to appear on the UK version.
  • Pegasus revealed during an unmasked interview on The After Mask Episode 2 that had she have advanced further three of her other songs would have been “We’ll Meet Again” by Dame Vera Lynn, “Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra and ”A Spoonful of Sugar” from Mary Poppins, the latter of which she would have likely performed in Episode 5 as she claimed it would have given the game away.
  • They are the nineteenth foreign contestant to be on the show.