Pantera wears a black leather jacket and pants, black high boots and a black king cape with red velvet. The mask is a panther's head and on top of it a golden king's crown with rhinestones.
"A great kingdom needs a great king. But that does not mean that this kingdom can be contrary. I was always a different panther, who had to learn to survive from a very young age, but thanks to my efforts and everything I learned, I was able to become a king. In a king who has crossed frontiers and crossed great oceans, who forged his own character. And if my kingdom is in danger, I am the first one to go out and fight for my family, so get ready because this panther will make you roar, roar!"
"On my first night I went out to fight, brave and determined, and I was able to take over the stage, the panther's reign has begun! But every great king has to start somewhere, and it is so magical, that the decades have passed and my kingdom has always been surrounded by very passionate people. You and I have always found a way to be close, because I am happy to be by your side. And to infect you, with my freedom, because that is my main code, the one that has made me be able to conquer the world, and I am so grateful that it is me who is at your feet. Excuse me if I am speaking to you in Chinese, but if you were kings what would be your law? Here is another maxim of my kingdom for my dear panelists, this panther believes that the only thing you need to be happy is a little love. Roar!"
Pantera's Grandmother Portrait "Granny Panther, thank you for always believing in me and teaching me to trust my true self, I don't know where I would be without your love."
Clue Answers
His "kingdom" has no limits because he has fans all over the world.
He talks about being free because he has had to break with prejudice.
He claims to be "contrary" as a reference to "Rebelde", a telenovela in which he took part.
Other Clue Answers
He made several references to the United States, the country where he was born.
When he mentions "freedom" and "a little love", he is referring to two of his greatest musical hits "Libertad" and "Un poco de tu amor" respectively.
Pantera appears in the fourth clue package for Leona as one of the nominees in the "Most Bohemian and Chic Character" category of the first ¿Quién es la Máscara? awards ceremony.
Ana Claudia had a minor guess saying that Christian Chávez, as a member of RBD, could be part of Huacal on season 4.
Pantera's head appears in the sole clue package for Dr. Veneno.