Monstruo de las Nievas has white fur like that of a yeti, black claws, green eyes, black fur ears, two reindeer antlers, and an open mouth showing her teeth. Also, she has Christmas lights around her body, from which in the center hang some presents.
"Are you all ready to be scared? Roar! Hahaha! I love to do mischief and jokes, to play bad and selfish, it's normal for me. But what I like the most is to serve, nieves are my specialty, you know, because of my... last name, brrr... so you have to eat it fast so that it doesn't melt. I don't like to brag but sometimes I've been number one and it's been magical magic, and other times I've been taken to the dance, brrr. And even though my accomplishments have cost me a lot, I've enjoyed it like the crazy and dreamer that I am! Brrr hahaha. I always have time for my gang... and of course for the gobbling, how yummy! Do you want to roar with excitement already? Well get ready, because you're going to be frozeeen, because my little paws are about to leave a mark, a mark on the stageee! Brrr."
"In my first big step on the stage, I froze them all, and my Yuri, oh yes my Yuri, she almost fainted, but... will it be me, or just a distraction? Because if there's one thing I like in life, it's surprises!" (Genie): "I will grant you three wishes." "Yes, I love to travel! Being famous is not the same as being a real hero, I prefer to be a muse, the inspiration of a kingdom of love without lies. My second wish is... to go back to the past. Today is a beautiful day to tell you thank you, thank you, because even though you took me by the hair, today I live in fullness. For my third wish, I don't want gold, I don't want silver, what I want is... to move my paws! Monster! Monster! Monster! Yes, yes, yes!"
Clue Answers
She made reference to the nieves and that her last name "del Sol (of the sun)" can melt them.
Olympian goddesses appeared in her clue package, for her participation in the group "GranDiosas".
The wigs and the genie of the lamp in her clue package allude to her participation in musical theater.
Other Clue Answers
Monstruo de las Nieves also assured that she wished to visit the past to meet someone very special, her mother, with whom she was reunited towards the end of her clue package. This was a reference to her mother, the leading actress Josefina Echánove, who passed away on December 29, 2020.
Mounstro de las Nieves appears in the fourth clue package for Carnívora and Perezoso as one of the nominees in the "Most Fanged Character" and "Most Clawed Character" categories of the first ¿Quién es la Máscara? awards ceremony.
Mounstro de las Nieves is the only character so far, who performed a Selena song and did not go into the risk zone.
Monstruo de las Nieves' artwork
Monstruo de las Nieves sings in her first performance.
Monstruo de las Nieves sings in her second and last performance.