"Ladies and gentleman, please put out your wings together for Monarch! I've got orange stripes like a tiger, but I sting like a bee. My competitors have got nothing on me. I'm so excited to be in this huge metropolis. Just like a ladybird I'm ready to spread my wings. And with a wingspan like mine, I'll easily fly to the top. I'm mad about performing, and I can't wait to take the stage tonight."
"Like a moth to a flame, it's me Monarch! Queen Elizabeth might rule the UK, but I'm the top monarch in New Zealand. I'm serious about this competition. It's no laughing matter. There's no sisterhood when it comes to winning. I might be a social butterfly, but I'm not here to make friends. I'm going to 'pip' all my competitors to the post with tonight's performance."
Two Lies and One Truth
I come from a musical family
I come from a sporty family
I come from a family of chefs.
Clue Answers
"Huge metropolis" refers to Madeleine's show Super City.
"Ladybird and Pip to the Post" refers to her wife LadyHawke / Pip Brown.
She's Mad(eleine) about performing.
"Big Break" refers to her movie The Breaker Uppers.
"No laughing matter" refers to her being a comedian.
"Sisterhood" refers to her band The Sami Sisters.
Final Guesses[]
Sharyn’s Guess
Rhys’ Guess
Ladi6’s Guess
James’ Guess
Jacinda Ardern
Pippa Middleton
Madeleine Sami
Bic Runga
The judges guessed Madeline Sami to be the Pavlova.