Melekh is meant to represent a king chess piece. He wears a tall black crown with a small bronze ball with a thread, His face is black and he has a white mustache. He wears a white tunic with three black stripes on the front and two black stripes.
Malka is meant to represent a queen chess piece. She wears a tall black crown with a big shiny ball and a small bronze ball, His face is black and painted white on her eyes with long white lashes. She wears a white tunic with various black and white triangles stripes on the front and two white stripes. On her neck she wears a wide black necklace.
Song Selection
"Brividi" by Blanco and Mahmood
"Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion
"How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston
"Thought About That" by Noa Kirel
"Poker Face" by Lady Gaga
"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2
While participating in the show, Melekh & Malka left somes clues implying they are Tal Mossari & Michal Yannai, they are explained as:
When we met him for the first time, Melekh said, "You know what they say: behind every successful king there is a successful Malka, although, with us, it was a bit of the other way around." Yanai joined the children's channel in 1991, six years before Mosari.
Melekh passed by a picture of parchment on which Malka was emblazoned with the number 4. Melekh said that, "Everyone knew in advance that my queen was destined for the crown from a young age." Yanai started her career at a very young age, when she was eight years old. As for the number 4, it refers to the series "Raviait Ran" in which Yanai played one of the main roles.
Melekh said that as for his own career, "I needed to understand it myself." Mosari testifies to himself that although he appeared on stage and on TV screens from a young age, he did not know until a later stage that this was what he was going to do for the rest of his life.
Mekekh passed another card image, this time starring him with the number 7. Mosari was recognized as a serious theater actor thanks to his participation in the show "Seven".
In the palace of Melekh & Malka hangs a picture in which the two are photographed with the French soccer player, Paul Pogba, wearing the uniform of the Manchester United team. Pogba's number at Manchester United was 6. This is also the number of the children's channel (Channel 6), in which Yanai and Mosri starred.
The security guard presented the king with a robe made of 100% silk, with the label of the robe: Malian flag. Yanai plays the character "Meli Kara Li" in the children's series "Rescue Team". The first program in which Mosari acted on the children's channel was called "On Meli and Why".
4 (Ep. 7)
Melekh & Malka gave Shahar Hassan a gift: a pillow with the Eiffel Tower on it. Viennese moralists hosted the program "Shastos" on the children's channel. The first destination to which the first class that ever won in "Shestos" went, was Paris.
4 (Ep. 8)
Melekh & Malka chose to sing "How Will I Know" and said, "The Whitney Houston song we chose tells the story of a girl who wonders if the boy she loves will love her back. It connected very much to our personal story, together and separately." Viennese moralists guided the children's channel, both together - and separately.
Melekh & Malka also told about the song they chose, "Few people know, but Whitney Houston's mother recorded the background vocals for the original song. The family collaboration made this song perfect for us." Yanai and Mosri worked with their family members: Yanai plays alongside her daughter in the "Rescue Team" series. Mosari worked with his brother, Ido, in a variety of projects. The first of them, in the Tel Aviv Youth Band.
A huge scratch card was placed on the stage. Zadi French scratched and revealed twice the phrase "It's not!", and therefore credited the panel members with a hint about Malka. The clue was: Tamar Majhol. Yanai played the character Tamar Zahavi in the series "The Eighth".
Zadi chose to have Melekh & Malka sing "Poker Face". The two said, "Performing a song that Tsedi chose is always exciting, because Tsedi is synonymous with the entertainment industry in Israel - and we owe the entertainment industry our relationship. Maybe that's why many people are confused to think that we became famous together, which is not true. Our publication happened individually and in different places others, until our paths crossed." Yanai and Mosri knew each other in the entertainment industry. Many make the mistake of thinking that they became famous together, but as mentioned: they are indeed from the same generation, but each of them started at a different time.
Tsadi asked the king and queen: Are you married? Melekh replied "Definitely" & Malka "Me Twice". Mosari has been married to the same woman since 2005. Yanai has been divorced once, and is currently remarried to Ben Moskal.
Melekh & Malka celebrated a birthday on stage. At the end of Mani Mamta's crazy performance, he read a blessing to them: "Melekh & Malka are so cute, they are celebrating their birthday today. We brought a cake, we brought candles, now it's time for blessings. To our queen, who knew storms until she arrived at her estate, we wish her all the best and much success and to the dear king, Peter Pan like you, we wish you all the good that the world has to offer you." As for the storms the queen went through: alongside the image of the children's queen, Yanai knew a more stormy period in her life - until she found her family and her place.
As for the "Peter Pan you're like" that was said about Melekh - Mosari's nickname is of course "The eternal Peter Pan", because of his appearance that hasn't changed all these years.
This is the first duo mask in הזמר במסכה (The Singer in the Mask).