"Desconocidos" by Mau y Ricky, Manuel Turizo & Camilo
Clue (Translated)
"Pew, pew, pew! That was close." (Doctor): "Tangle, Tangle!" "Oh, yes, of course, as I was saying, doctor, my head is a real tangle. I think it’s the result of living so long between two worlds. Add to that, that my memory is as solid as snow, hehehe. My friends even say I’m like that little fish, you know, the one that forgets everything. But well, I don’t remember... what was I saying? Oh, I lost the thread. I caught you, you're trying to pull a thread to get more out of me, huh? You remind me of those beings that appear to me every night. You’re wrong. Of course, they’re not fake. I’m not crazy, psychiatrist doctor. Well, I’ll confess, when I told my family I didn’t want to be a graduate in designing the future and that my factory would start producing until the afternoon... Obviously, they thought I was cuckoo. But look who has millions in the bank now. Who, huh? Who? Woo-hoo! With this cold, I’m getting all rough. Well, that’s what happens to royalty. And after conquering several kingdoms, all that’s left is for me to be the absolute monarch of ¿Quién es la Máscara? Who said cold?"
Extra Clue
Drums: "Maraña's extra clue is full of rhythm."
King's Throne and Crown: "Worthy of royalty, that's how Maraña's clue is."
Clue Answers
Samy Rivers is a streamer and YouTuber from Monterrey.
She said she's between two worlds because she's always between the world of video games and reality.