The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki

Let's prepare the oxygen tank to dive underwater to meet a princess.
— The introduction in Episode 1.

Kim Sa Ngư (Translated as Sequin Goldfish) is a masked celebrity contestant on the first Vietnamese season of The Masked Singer Vietnam.

She is first introduced to be one of the mascots from the Section A, together with Lady Mây, Chàng Lúa, Miêu Quý Tộc and Phi Hành Gia Heo.



Kim Sa Ngu 022

Kim Sa Ngư in the third performance.

Kim Sa Ngư is a princess-looking goldfish with an elegant colorful costume. Her costume features a long orange dress, a silver belt with colorful ruffles that resembles her fins, as she also has her fins on the side and back her head and a large ribbon collar. Along with the dress, she wears silver bracelets that attached with a folding silk hand fan. The mask itself, is that of a goldfish, with a crown, red lipstick, deep blue eyes and glitter eyelashes.

After the Round 1, she is shown holding a star-shaped magic staff in order to match the amotsphere of her song.

Notably, in the All-star concert, she no longer holds a star-shaped magic staff.


"In your golden age, people thought you were just an idol in a cute girl band, but in fact, your voice is stronger than you've ever shown. Your voice range is wide and correct audio points, your high notes are so typical. When you sang in round two, I knew who you are. I admire the way you distracted everyone in round one, I don't know how you did that but I really worship it."
Trấn Thành commented on Kim Sa Ngư after unmasking in Episode 7.
Kim Sa Ngu 009

Kim Sa Ngư appears splendidly like a princess.

Kim Sa Ngư has a gentle, sweet personality and a charming, witty way of speaking, which created comfort for the panelists when they interacting with her. She also pretended to be the overly girlish attitude of singer Lâm Khánh Chi, such as crybabying and asking everyone to call her princess, if not, she will be "Angry! Angry! Angry!", which made people laugh crazily. Overall, Kim Sa Ngư's attitude has many characteristics of Lương Bích Hữu, but what makes 90% of the audience not think of her because in the first round, she was trying to make her voice deeper just like a Mezzo-Soprano, so everyone never thought of Lương Bích Hữu, who was famous for her signature Light Lyric Soprano a.k.a baby voice.

Many predictions have been made about female singers with deep, husky voices such as Khánh Ngọc, Giang Hồng Ngọc, Phương Anh, etc. Until the second round, the entire audience was surprised when she sang in a different tone, brighter, smooter. At this point, the assertions "It can't be Lương Bích Hữu even if she fakes her voice" have begun to be shaken. Amid much controversy, the media concluded that "No matter who that is, the talent of changing voice of the one behind this mask has truly conquered everyone".

Kim Sa Ngư's songs also moved the audience when she performed so sincerely and get into it, making the songs much more beautiful and elegant. Especially the song about father in Episode 4, she had to stall a bit because she was really shedding tears behind the mask, which even made the audience and the panelists cry, marking the wonderful return of one of the Vietnamese legendary singers.


Main Performances[]

The english translation of the song will be above the song's title.

Week Song Selection Result
1 (Seems Like I'm Out Of Luck)
"Xem Như Em Chẳng May"
by Trung Ngon
4 (Dad, Why You Don't?)
"Sao Cha Không"
by Phan Mạnh Quỳnh
7 (The Ages of Dreams)
"Tuổi Mộng Mơ"
by Phạm Duy

Special Performances[]

Week Song Selection Note
7 (I Still Believe In That Love)
"Em Vẫn Tin Vào Tình Yêu Ấy"
by Tú Dưa
17 (Seems Like I'm Out Of Luck)
"Xem Như Em Chẳng May"
by Trung Ngon
(Just Let Go)
"Buông Tay Nhau Thôi"
by Trấn Thành
(duet with Kỵ Sĩ Nấm Hương)
Special (Just Let Go)
"Buông Tay Nhau Thôi"
by Trấn Thành

Song lyrics[]

Main Performances

Vietnamese English Translation
Xem Như Em Chẳng May Seems Like I'm Out Of Luck
Người hôm qua em thấy là ai đấy Who was that person I saw yesterday?
Sao anh lại chết lặng như vậy Why are you dumbfounded like that?
Một giờ đêm sao anh còn chưa nhắn tin về 1am already, why haven’t you texted back?
Em cứ mãi ngẩn ngơ chờ anh I just keep waiting for you dazedly

Tại sao yêu đến thế lại gian dối Why did you lie like that, despite how much we love?
Con tim em vỡ tan mất rồi My heart is already broken
Tưởng chừng ta hạnh phúc I thought we could stay happy
Cùng nhau đến muôn đời Together for our lives
Chưa buông tay anh thay áo mới While holding hands, you’ve changed a new person

Ngọt ngào đến mấy cũng tan thành mây No matter how sweet, it just dissolved into the clouds
Dại khờ thuở ấy khi đan bàn tay How foolish that time when we held hands
Yêu thương trao hết chỉ I give you all my love
Giữ lại đây thân gầy Only to receive this withered body
Xem như em chẳng may Seems like I’m out of luck

Nỗi buồn em giấu sau lớp màn mưa I hid my sorrow behind the rain curtains
Gượng cười khi biết I try to fake smile
Em là người giữa hai người Knowing that I am a thirdwheel now
Còn lại gì cho nhau Is there anything left for us?
Ngoài những lời ngôn tình quá dư thừa Except for the overly superfluous romantic words

Em không muốn nghe I reject to listen to them

Người hôm qua em thấy là ai đấy Who was that person I saw yesterday?
Sao anh lại chết lặng như vậy Why are you dumbfounded like that?
Một giờ đêm sao anh còn chưa nhắn tin về 1am already, why haven’t you texted back?
Em cứ mãi ngẩn ngơ chờ anh I just keep waiting for you dazedly

Tại sao yêu đến thế lại gian dối Why did you lie like that, despite how much we love?
Con tim em vỡ tan mất rồi My heart is already broken
Tưởng chừng ta hạnh phúc I thought we could stay happy
Cùng nhau đến muôn đời Together for our lives
Chưa buông tay anh thay áo mới While holding hands, you’ve changed a new person

Ngọt ngào đến mấy cũng tan thành mây No matter how sweet, it just dissolved into the clouds
Dại khờ thuở ấy khi đan bàn tay How foolish that time when we held hands
Yêu thương trao hết chỉ I give you all my love
Giữ lại đây thân gầy Only to receive this withered body
Xem như em chẳng may Seems like I’m out of luck

Nỗi buồn em giấu sau lớp màn mưa I hid my sorrow behind the rain curtains
Gượng cười khi biết I try to fake smile
Em là người giữa hai người Knowing that I am a thirdwheel now
Còn lại gì cho nhau Is there anything left for us?
Ngoài những lời ngôn tình quá dư thừa Except for the overly superfluous romantic words

Em không muốn nghe I reject to listen to them

Em không muốn nghe I reject to listen to them

Ngọt ngào đến mấy cũng tan thành mây No matter how sweet, it just dissolved into the clouds
Dại khờ thuở ấy khi đan bàn tay How foolish that time when we held hands
Yêu thương trao hết chỉ I give you all my love
Giữ lại đây thân gầy Only to receive this withered body
Xem như em chẳng may Seems like I’m out of luck

Nỗi buồn em giấu sau lớp màn mưa I hid my sorrow behind the rain curtains
Gượng cười khi biết I try to fake smile
Em là người giữa hai người Knowing that I am a thirdwheel now
Còn lại gì cho nhau Is there anything left for us?
Ngoài những lời ngôn tình quá dư thừa Except for the overly superfluous romantic words

(x2) (x2)

Em không muốn nghe I reject to listen to them

Vietnamese English Translation
Sao Cha Không Dad, Why You Don't?
Cha đứng với con nhìn phố xa xa You stand with me and look at the town
Dặn con ra sao cứ luôn mỉm cười You tell me to always smile
Như cách cha giấu mệt mỏi ngày dài Like how you hide your tiresome in a long day
Khi trở về nhà vẫn ắp niềm vui You're still happy when coming back home

Cha nói với con phải vững tin lên You tell me to have faith in myself
Đừng bao giờ quên giấc mơ của mình Don't ever forget my dreams
Tuổi thơ của con có cha đồng hành
Là điều vô giá
It's invaluable that
I have you accompany me in my childhood

Ngày con thêm lớn khôn When I grow up
Cảm nhận thêm rõ hơn cuộc đời To know more about life
Con biết cha đã thăng trầm I know you've been through ups and down
Con biết cha còn muôn lời thầm lặng I know you've been so quiet

Vì sao cha ơi Why don't you, dad?
Chẳng kể con nghe điều cha tiếc nuối Tell me the regret you've hidden
Từ lâu chôn giấu For so long
Khi đã phải quên đam mê đời mình You had to forget your own passion
Để con no ấm cha chật vật mưu sinh You've tried so hard for our living

Vượt qua sóng gió lời cha dẫn bước I get over all the downs, your words guide me
Mở rộng tim con bao dung như cha Open my heart and be as tolerant as you
Trong đêm đau thương vẫn yêu cuộc đời In the pain we still love this life
Vẹn nguyên mơ ước như ánh sao trời To protect our dream like the star
Nhưng sao không nói cùng con cha ơi Why don't you tell me, dad?

Khi những cánh chim mùa cũ bay qua When the birds fly to here
Càng mang nhiều hơn bóng mây tuổi già They bring more clouds of age
Tại sao cha không thảnh thơi nhàn hạ Why don't you enjoy life a bit?
Nhận về muộn phiền không nói được ra You suffer all sorrow and been so quiet

Con đứng với cha một quãng xuân xanh I've stood with you in a part of my youth
Niềm tin về cha chẳng bao giờ ngừng My faith in you never stops
Nhưng sao bao nhiêu điều cha chịu đựng After all you've suffered
Con không được biết I don't get a chance to know

Thời gian trôi quá nhanh Time passing by so fast
Chẳng một ai sống hơn một lần No one can live more than once
Khi đã quen với thăng trầm I've been used to ups and downs
Con biết cha có viết thương trong tim I know how much your heart is hurt

Vì sao cha ơi Why don't you tell me, dad?
Chẳng kể con nghe điều cha tiếc nuối Tell me the regret you've hidden
Từ lâu chôn giấu For so long
Khi đã phải quên đam mê đời mình You had to forget your own passion
Để con no ấm cha chật vật mưu sinh You've tried so hard for our living

Vượt qua sóng gió lời cha dẫn bước I get over all the downs, your words guide me
Mở rộng tim con bao dung như cha Open my heart and be as tolerant as you
Trong đêm đau thương vẫn yêu cuộc đời In the pain we still love this life
Chỉ nhiều tiếc nuối khi ngước lên cao To protect our dream like the star
Sao cha không ở cùng con lâu hơn Why don't you stay with me longer, dad?

Con cứ tin con đã luôn hiểu hết về cha I thought I understood everything about you
Nhưng không phải But I didn't

Vì sao cha ơi Why don't you, dad?
Chẳng kể con nghe To tell me everything

Điều cha tiếc nuối từ lâu chôn giấu The regret you've hidden for so long
Khi đã phải quên đam mê đời mình You had to forget your own passion
Để con no ấm cha chật vật mưu sinh You've tried so hard for our living

Vượt qua sóng gió lời cha dẫn bước I get over all the downs, your words guide me
Mở rộng tim con bao dung như cha Open my heart and be as tolerant as you
Trong đêm đau thương vẫn yêu cuộc đời In the pain we still love this life
Chỉ nhiều tiếc nuối khi ngước lên cao To protect our dream like the star
Sao cha không ở cùng con lâu hơn Why don't you stay with me longer, dad?

Vietnamese English Translation
Tuổi Mộng Mơ The Ages of Dreams
Em ước mơ mơ gì
Tuổi mười hai, tuổi mười ba?
What was your dream
When you’re twelve or thirteen?
Em ước mơ em là, em được là tiên nữ I dreamed that, I can be a fairy
Ban phép tiên cho hoa biết nói cả tiếng người Bless the flowers with magic to be able to speak
Ban phép tiên cho người chắp cánh bay giữa trời Bless the human with wings to fly in the sky
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ tiên What a beautiful dream of fairies
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ tiên What a beautiful dream of fairies

Em ước mơ mơ gì
Tuổi mười ba, tuổi mười bốn?
What was your dream
When you’re thirteen or fourteen?
Em ước mơ mang hồn, em mang hồn thi sĩ I dreamed that I have a poet’s soul
Theo gió mưa em đi
Hát xây mộng cho người
Following the wind and rain
I sing and inspire more dreams
Trên cánh thơ tuyệt vời
Hát yên vui cõi đời
On the wings of wonderful poetry
I sing in peace and joy to life
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ hoa What a beautiful dream of flowers
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ hoa What a beautiful dream of flowers

Em ước mơ mơ gì
Tuổi mười tư, tuổi mười lăm?
What was your dream
When you’re fourteen or fifteen?
Em ước mơ em đẹp
Như trăng rằm tươi tắn
I dreamed that
I can be beautiful as the bright full moon
Thoa phấn son em mang
Chiếc áo dài khăn hồng
Applying make up
I wear a pink Ao Dai with a scarf
Em sẽ thi đua cùng
Với hoa khôi khắp vùng
I will compete with beautiful girls
From all over the place
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ xinh What a beautiful dream of beauty
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ xinh What a beautiful dream of beauty

Em ước mơ mơ gì
Tuổi mười lăm, tuổi mười sáu?
What was your dream
When you’re fifteen or sixteen?
Em ước mơ không nhiều
Xin một điều yêu dấu
I didn’t dream much
Just ask for one dear thing
Không ước mơ xa xôi
Ước mơ được nên người
No faraway dreams
Just dreams of living meaningfully
Cô gái yêu nước Việt
Bước chân theo giống nòi
A girl who loves Vietnamese people
I follow our origin
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ ngoan What a beautiful dream of good behaviors
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ ngoan What a beautiful dream of good behaviors

Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ ngoan What a beautiful dream of good behaviors
Thật đẹp thay! Thật đẹp thay! Giấc mơ ngoan... What a beautiful dream of good behaviors...

Special Performances

Vietnamese English Translation
Em Vẫn Tin Vào Tình Yêu Đấy I Still Believe In That Love
Phút giây đó mình mong có đôi We dream to be together in that dream
Em vẫn nhớ là lần gặp đầu tiên I still remember at our first sights
Mình nhìn nhau rất lâu
Tim rung động
We looked at each other for so long
Our hearts stopped
Bên cạnh anh vòng tay siết chặt In your embracing arms
Trao nụ hôn ngọt ngào say đắm We kiss passionately
Cả thế giới như dừng lại quanh mình The whole world stops right here
Khi yêu đâu lường trước được trái ngang We can't predict sorrow in love
Yêu nhau đâu nào đến được với nhau It's not easy to be together

Rồi mình xa nhau từ đó, em vẫn tin rằng có đôi We break apart since then, I still believe together
Dẫu cho tình xa xôi em mãi yêu anh thôi Though our love seems far away, I still love you
Mong đến một ngày người quay trở về I hope one day you'll come back
Vì em tin trong anh vẫn luôn luôn có em I believe you always have me in your heart
Rồi mình bên nhau cùng bước
Ta sẽ băng vượt bão giông
We overcome troubles
Đến biển trời hạnh phúc của hai chúng ta mong đợi To the place of happiness we both dream of
Dẫu vẫn biết rằng tình yêu sẽ không dễ dàng Though I know it is not easy in love
Trải qua bao nhiêu đau thương với nỗi đắng cay So much pain and sorrow, we hope to be together
Mong được bên nhau I hope to be together
Yêu là cùng vượt qua bao cách xa Love is overcoming long distances together
Yêu là con tim xa hoá gần Love is a heart that is distant and close
Người yêu ơi em chờ anh nhé My love, please wait for me
Chờ anh về Waiting for you

Phút giây đó mình mong có đôi We dream to be together in that dream
Em vẫn nhớ là lần gặp đầu tiên I still remember at our first sights
Mình nhìn nhau rất lâu
Tim rung động
We looked at each other for so long
Our hearts stopped
Bên cạnh anh vòng tay siết chặt In your embracing arms
Trao nụ hôn ngọt ngào say đắm We kiss passionately
Cả thế giới như dừng lại quanh mình... The whole world stops right here...
Khi yêu đâu lường trước được trái ngang We can't predict sorrow in love
Yêu nhau đâu nào đến được với nhau... It's not easy to be together...

Rồi mình xa nhau từ đó, em vẫn tin rằng có đôi We break apart since then, I still believe together
Dẫu cho tình xa xôi em mãi yêu anh thôi Though our love seems far away, I still love you
Mong đến một ngày người quay trở về I hope one day you'll come back
Vì em tin trong anh vẫn luôn luôn có em... I believe you always have me in your heart...
Rồi mình bên nhau cùng bước
Ta sẽ băng vượt bão giông
We overcome troubles
Đến biển trời hạnh phúc của hai chúng ta mong đợi To the place of happiness we both dream of
Dẫu vẫn biết rằng tình yêu sẽ không dễ dàng Though I know it is not easy in love
Trải qua bao nhiêu đau thương với nỗi đắng cay So much pain and sorrow, we hope to be together
Mong được bên nhau I hope to be together

Rồi mình xa nhau từ đó, em vẫn tin rằng có đôi We break apart since then, I still believe together
Dẫu cho tình xa xôi em mãi yêu anh thôi Though our love seems far away, I still love you
Mong đến một ngày người quay trở về I hope one day you'll come back
Vì em tin trong anh vẫn luôn luôn có em... I believe you always have me in your heart...
Rồi mình bên nhau cùng bước
Ta sẽ băng vượt bão giông
We overcome troubles
Đến biển trời hạnh phúc của hai chúng ta mong đợi To the place of happiness we both dream of
Dẫu vẫn biết rằng tình yêu sẽ không dễ dàng Though I know it is not easy in love
Trải qua bao nhiêu đau thương với nỗi đắng cay So much pain and sorrow, we hope to be together
Mong được bên nhau I hope to be together

Trải qua bao nhiêu đau thương với nỗi đắng cay Experiencing so much pain and bitterness
Mong được bên nhau I hope to be together

Vietnamese English Translation
Buông Tay Nhau Thôi Just Let Go
Trời đã gần sáng It's almost dawn
Bóng tối đang tan 5 giờ 18 The darkness is lifting at 5:18
Chớp mắt cho vơi nỗi buồn Take a nap to relieve sadness
Đêm dài miên man The night is endlessly long
Và anh vẫn chưa về, anh ở đâu? And you're still not home, where are you?

Vẫn là cuộc sống It's still life
Vẫn ở bên nhau nhưng từ lâu lắm Still together but it's been a long time
Chẳng nói nhau thêm mấy câu We didn't say a few more words to each other
Nhưng tại vì sao But why?
Mình vẫn sống với nhau như một thói quen? Do we still live together as a habit?

Rồi nhiều đêm lặng im nằm cạnh bên nhau Many silent nights lying next to each other
Mình không thể yêu nhau như lúc đầu We can't love each other like we did at first
Dù ta có cố gắng ra sao No matter how hard we try
Thì chắc sẽ đi về đâu? Then where will it go?

Chúng ta từng là cả thế giới We were the whole world of each other
Cuộc sống âm thầm trôi But life passes silently
Nhiều khi mình không nhận ra là ta đã
Khác nhiều rồi
Sometimes we don't realize that
We was so different
Đêm về đơn côi Lonely night
Tim không có nhau gần nhau cũng thế thôi It's useless if hearts are not together

Có bao giờ hai ta tự hỏi Have we ever wondered?
Phải tiếp tục làm sao? How to continue?
Thì thôi, thà mình chia tay tìm 2 lối thoát Then, we'd rather break up and find two ways out
Để cho chúng ta không phải giả vờ yêu gian dối So that we don't have to pretend to love and lie
Mình hãy... buông tay nhau thôi Let's... just let go of each other's hands


While participating in the show, Kim Sa Ngư left somes clues implying her is Lương Bích Hữu, they are explained as:

Ep. Image/Information Explaination
1 "At the magnificent aquarium, everyone pays attention to me not only because of my impressive looks, but also my special voice". Lương Bích Hữu is well-known for her sweet, pure, baby voice whenever she sings, making it into her signature voice for recognization in her music.
Lollipops. Referring to the song "Kẹo Hồ Lô" (Tanghulu in Chinese) of Lương Bích Hữu.
The word "We". Lương Bích Hữu used to join the entertainment company "WePro" and became a member of the group "H.A.T".
The number "30.000". The album "We Are H.A.T", which was released in 2004, has been sold 30,000 copies and it became the best-selling group album at Vietnam. Besides that, after becoming a freelance singer, Lương Bích Hữu released the first album "It's Not Over" in 2008, which sold 30,000 copies in the first day of its release.
The word "Over". Referring to Lương Bích Hữu's first solo album "It's Not Over".
"Call me princess". Lương Bích Hữu used to be in a girl group "Ngũ Long Công Chúa" (Five Princesses).
Roses. Referring to the song "Nụ Hồng Mong Manh" (Fragile Rose) of Lương Bích Hữu.
The numbers "19" and "84". Referring to Lương Bích Hữu's birth year, 1984.
A stuffed puppy. Referring to the popular song "Cún Yêu" (My Lovely Puppy) of Lương Bích Hữu.
Many small words "Time" appear on the screen. Referring to the album "Story of Time" or the song "Long Time No See You" of Lương Bích Hữu.
The number "26211" on the water gun. Referring to the day Lương Bích Hữu had an accident.
"For me, all the scars on my body and my soul are medals". On February 26, 2011, Lương Bích Hữu had a severe burn injury. At that time, Lương Bích Hữu was sitting in the wings of the stage, waiting for her time to perfom, then suddenly the outside of the stage was on fire because the circus performer met an accident. Lương Bích Hữu didn't have time to react and she was severely burned after that.
The heart image with "Color" on the bag. Referring to the song "Sắc Màu Trái Tim" (The Color Of The Heart) of Lương Bích Hữu's former group, H.A.T.
An umbrella with chinese pattern. Referring to the well-known song "Cô Gái Trung Hoa" (Chinese Girl) of Lương Bích Hữu. Lương Bích Hữu also has the nickname "Cô Gái Trung Hoa".
Physical clue: Green onion oil. Lương Bích Hữu has a younger sibling who can't eat onion oil, while Lương Bích Hữu loves to eat it. But then after teaching her younger sibling to eat onion oil and eating 1kg of it, Lương Bích Hữu eats it too much to the point that she's afraid of onion oil now.
The heart surrounded by thorns on the guitar. Referring to Lương Bích Hữu's image in the MV song "Dằm Trong Tim" (The Splinter in The Heart).
The picture of the singer Đan Trường. Đan Trường and Lương Bích Hữu used to duet together in the song "Có Kiếp Sau Không?" (Is There An Afterlife?).
A barbie doll with the number "5". Just like the clue in the Episode 1, Lương Bích Hữu used to be in a girl group "Ngũ Long Công Chúa" (Five Princesses).
A pinwheel. There is an umbrella with the same color in Lương Bích Hữu's MV song "It's Not Over".
A stuffed puppy and lollipops. Just like clues in previous episode: A stuffed puppy: Referring to the popular song "Cún Yêu" (My Lovely Puppy) of Lương Bích Hữu.
Lollipops: Referring to the song "Kẹo Hồ Lô" (Tanghulu in Chinese) of Lương Bích Hữu.

Besides, there are a few clues intentionally distracting to other singers as Nhật Thủy, Minh Tuyết.

First Impressions[]

First impression of the hosts about Kim Sa Ngư.

Week Trấn Thành's Guess Tóc Tiên's Guess Wowy's Guess
7 Phương Anh Khánh Du Dương Hồng Loan


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Kim Sa Ngư is the 12th place of Season 1.

The Masked Singer is also a place for me to show my emotions. My most emotional moments are in the studio when I close the door and sing. Here I can hide my face, no one knows who I am, I can still sing with my truest feelings, just like time when I am alone.
— Lương Bích Hữu in Episode 7.

To the surprise of the national television audience, Kim Sa Ngư was unmasked to be Lương Bích Hữu. The chat box on the show's livestream video seemed to explode with thousands of comments for her, including excitement and regret. It can be said that from Episode 1 to Episode 6, although the show achieved a lot of views from young, it was still unknown to audiences of diverse generations and classes. Only when Lương Bích Hữu was revealed, which bursting the whole country, shocking the media, and creating a launching pad for the show to be loved and known more widely, coverage across social networking platforms. Until after the Finale, her unmasking performance was still considered the most impressive, creating a stepping stone for the great success of the season, which no one could do it but her.

It is not difficult to understand why Lương Bích Hữu has such a great influence, because she is not simply a singer, but also the childhood memory of many people, associated with them by her countless both cute and sad songs. Therefore, Lương Bích Hữu's position in their hearts is extremely special. Next, in the impression of most of the audience, Lương Bích Hữu always appeared with a very sweet baby voice, so that, her deep voice in Episode 1 made them extremely surprised, almost no one believed that she could sing in such a voice. To pleased everyone, Lương Bích Hữu once again performed the song in Episode 1 in both baby voice and deep voice at the same time, giving the audience goosebumps and endless praise her all over the internet. Everyone was shocked and surprised to discover that their childhood idol turned out to be very talented at changing her voice, something they had not known about for over two decades.

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Kim Sa Ngư's resounding departure.

After more than 7 years of hiding from showbiz because of many ups and downs in her life, the audience was moved to see Lương Bích Hữu come back, still fresh, optimistic, and completely healed her past wounds. It can be said that Lương Bích Hữu's return through this show is very inspiring, helping to revivie the youthful memories of many people. To mark her restart on the music circuit, the unmask song that she gave to the audience called "Em Vẫn Tin Vào Tình Yêu Ấy" (I Still Believe In That Love) which would be released after this broadcast episode. Indeed, it made waves on the music charts. With her glory has officially returned, Lương Bích Hữu continues to release many good songs to repay the love, wait and welcome of the audience.


With mascots in the same group
Name Section Relationships
Myra Trần
(Lady Mây)
A Myra once imitated Lương Bích Hữu's voice and was very liked by everyone.
Tăng Phúc
(Chàng Lúa)
Lương Bích Hữu and Tăng Phúc once duet together.
Hà Nhi
(Miêu Quý Tộc)
Hà Nhi was a guest on Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant. Her guest performance was praised by Lương Bích Hữu.

(Phi Hành Gia Heo)
In an interview in Episode 4, when asked about arranging the mascots into siblings, Kim Sa Ngư chose Chàng Lúa as the eldest brother, Miêu Quý Tộc as the second sister, Lady Mây as the third sister, herself as the fourth sister, and Phi Hành Gia Heo as the youngest brother. She thought this suits their personalities.
With mascots from the other groups
Name Section Relationships
Vương Anh Tú
B Vương Anh Tú once composed a song for Lương Bích Hữu named "Anh Chưa Từng" (You Have Never Been) which quickly reached hundred thousand views.
Juky San
(ChipChip Pink)
At the premiere of the movie which Lương Bích Hữu be a main, Juky San brought a huge bouquet of flowers to give to her. Before that, the two also created a big comparison discussion because they both took turns singing a same song with singer Đan Trường, who is also one of the musical monuments of the 2000s.
Mai Tiến Dũng
(Hươu Thần)
Lương Bích Hữu and Mai Tiến Dũng once duet together, and have a common song named "Trăm Thương Ngàn Thương" (A Hundred Loves, A Thousand Hurts). They also had a group performance with Thu Minh and Diva Thanh Lam in Our Song Vietnam, and had cute interactions in Cuối Tuần Tuyệt Vời (Wonderful Weekend).
Thùy Chi
(Tí Nâu)
C What Lương Bích Hữu and Thùy Chi have in common is that they are both childhood memories of the 2000s generation, or even the late 1990s, and both have signature baby voice. Their duet song really made audience "melt in sugar".
Diva Hà Trần
(Phượng Hoàng Lửa)
Hà Trần sang a group song with Lương Bích Hữu, Thùy Chi and Hoàng Hải in Sóng 25. Four veteran singers combined and harmonized to create a very melodious and meaningful song for the year-end show.
Song Luân
(Nhím Uiza)
Song Luân and his friends - Hiếu Thứ Hai, Jsol, Dương Domic were guests on Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant. They brought a cute and vibrant guest performance, making Lương Bích Hữu laugh delightly and want to dance with them.
With mascots in other seasons
Name Section Relationships
Ưng Hoàng Phúc
(Khỉ Hồng)
A Lương Bích Hữu and Ưng Hoàng Phúc are both famous music legends in the 2000s, and were once in the same entertainment company. Her group H.A.T and him left many immortal songs for music industry. Recently, the two reappeared together, dueted some old songs and still moving the audience.
Lâm Bảo Ngọc
Lương Bích Hữu and Lâm Bảo Ngọc participated in Our Song Vietnam together.
Dương Edward
(Kỳ Lân Lãng Tử)
Lương Bích Hữu and Dương Edward participated in Our Song Vietnam together.
(Ong Bây Bi)
Lương Bích Hữu and Orange participated in Our Song Vietnam together. Also at this show, Lương Bích Hữu covered the hit song "Bát Cơm Mặn" of Orange and was highly appreciated by Orange.
Hoàng Hải
(Bố Gấu)
B Lương Bích Hữu and Hoàng Hải once duet together, they also participated in Our Song Vietnam together.
Vũ Thảo My
(Cáo Tiểu Thư)
Lương Bích Hữu and Vũ Thảo My duet together in Our Song Vietnam, and had a group performance in this show too.
Ngọc Anh
(Cún Tóc Lô)
Lương Bích Hữu and Ngọc Anh participated in Our Song Vietnam together.
Anh Tú
(Voi Bản Đôn)
Lương Bích Hữu and Anh Tú once appeared together in The Wall Duet Vietnam. In addition, LyLy - Anh Tú's girlfriend also participated in Our Song Vietnam with Lương Bích Hữu, therefore, when Anh Tú was a guest in this show, Lương Bích Hữu and other contestants happily teased LyLy, making her shy.
Khởi My
(Cừu Bông)
Lương Bích Hữu and Khởi My once duet together.
Nhật Thủy
(Chuột Cherry)
C Nhật Thủy caused a fever when impersonating Lương Bích Hữu, Thu Thủy, and Phạm Quỳnh Anh's voice at the same time on Your Face Sounds Familiar Vietnam.
Hoàng Dũng
(Thỏ Xỏ Khuyên)
Lương Bích Hữu sang the movie soundtrack with Hoàng Dũng and Yuno BigBoi. Besides, Hoàng Dũng was also a guest performer of Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.

With the panelists
Name Relationships
Trấn Thành Although Trấn Thành is younger than Lương Bích Hữu, he does not call her "Sister Hữu", but just calls her directly "Hữu" as peers. So this caused him to be criticized by netizens for not being polite to the senior. So that, Trấn Thành responded, "Artists have no age, we address each other according to the youthfulness of each other's souls. Especially women, they wants to address them younger, they even say they don't want to be called sister. This job is like that. Everyone has their own friendships, so the way of addressing people will also be different depending on how close the relationship is". Trấn Thành also said that when he first started his career, he had a crush on Lương Bích Hữu, but at that time he was nothing so he did not dare to approach her. Currently, he composed a newest song for Lương Bích Hữu and duet with her at the Concert Night which showed a very valuable friendship.
Kim Sa Ngư's song in Episode 4, "Sao Cha Không", was a soundtrack of the movie "Bố Già" (Dad, I'm Sorry), starring and directed by Trấn Thành.
Lương Bích Hữu once join in Giọng Ải Giọng Ai - The Hidden Voice Vietnam where Trấn Thành was also one of the hosts. She left behind a truly fun performance.
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Lương Bích Hữu and Trấn Thành

Ngô Kiến Huy Lương Bích Hữu and Ngô Kiến Huy had a music video named "Vội Vã Yêu Nhau Vội Vã Rời" (Rush To Love Each Other, Rush To Leave) which reached millions of views on Youtube.
Đức Phúc Lương Bích Hữu and Đức Phúc appeared together in Cuối Tuần Tuyệt Vời (Wonderful Weekend). When Đức Phúc and Hùng Huỳnh were guest performers on Our Song Vietnam, Lương Bích Hữu and the contestants all gave a lot of compliments to their performance.

With the guest panelists
Name Relationships
Hari Won Lương Bích Hữu and Hari Won - the guest panelist in Episode 3, appeared together in Cuối Tuần Tuyệt Vời (Wonderful Weekend).
Phan Mạnh Quỳnh Kim Sa Ngư's song in Episode 4, "Sao Cha Không", was composed by Phan Mạnh Quỳnh - who is the guest panelist appears in Episode 11.
Ngọc Sơn Ngọc Sơn - the guest panelist in Episode 4, was also the guest perfomer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.
Văn Mai Hương Văn Mai Hương - the guest panelist in Season 2, was also the guest performer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.

With the guest panelists
Name Relationships
OgeNus OgeNus - the guest in Season 2 and Sóng 24, was the main partner of Lương Bích Hữu in Our Song Vietnam, their team left many harmonious performances for the show.
BRay In Rap Việt Season 4, Lương Bích Hữu was the supporting singer for Young Puppy - a student of BRay - who is the guest in Sóng 24.
Pháp Kiều Pháp Kiều - the guest in Season 2 and Sóng 24, was also the guest performer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant. She was also curious about what exactly the relationship between OgeNus and Pháp Kiều was.
Erik Erik - the guest in Season 2 and Sóng 24, was also the guest performer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.
Rhyder Rhyder - the guest in Season 2 and Sóng 24, was also the guest performer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.
Captain Captain - the guest in Sóng 24, was also the guest performer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.
Quang Hùng MasterD Quang Hùng MasterD - the guest in Sóng 24, was also the guest performer in Our Song Vietnam, a show in which Lương Bích Hữu was the main contestant.

Concept and design[]

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Lương Bích Hữu and her mascot.

Kim Sa Ngư takes the image of a fish princess in the ocean, and was designed by fashion designer Ngô Mạnh Đông Đông.

In an interview, when asked about the origin of the mascot name Kim Sa Ngư, Lương Bích Hữu revealed that her Feng Shui element is Metal (Kim in Vietnamese) and she has two Oranda goldfish at home, then the organizers of the show knew about it and the name "Kim Sa Ngư" was born. Lương Bích Hữu also shared her thoughts about the association between her and Kim Sa Ngư, the image of a little fish still busy swimming whether the sea is calm or stormy, just like Lương Bích Hữu who is still diligently trying her best in music despite life's ups and downs, showing that she has never given up on trying until now.

Talking about the materials for Kim Sa Ngư's costume, shared by Ngô Mạnh Đông Đông through an interview. Kim Sa Ngư is a mascot whose dress was made of Bảo Lộc silk, Vietnam. After being stamped, 90 meters of fabric is shortened to only 30 meters.

Other appearances[]

  • Episode 17: This episode is a combination of the Awards Ceremony and All-Star Concert, where Lương Bích Hữu and all the eliminated contestants were returned to perform as guests. Lương Bích Hữu also got to perform two songs, including the song that she had sung on the show and the duet song with Trấn Thành as Kỵ Sĩ Nấm Hương - one of the panelists.
  • Sóng 23: This is a special episode to celebrate the Lunar New Year 2023 which Lương Bích Hữu appeared as a guest. Together, she and some celebrities of The Masked Singer Vietnam Season 1 shared their joys, inspirations and lessons learned from this show. Lương Bích Hữu also performed a song and had a conversation with two hosts Trấn Thành and Bích Phương.

  • Lương Bích Hữu was mentioned when Nhật Thủy impersonating her voice in Episode 8, Season 2.
  • Lương Bích Hữu, along with the contestants of the two seasons, made a cameo which included video-only for harmonizing with the Top 4 in Episode 16, Season 2.

  • Kim Sa Ngư's cup, included when registering for a VIB card.
  • Kim Sa Ngư was appeared in t-shirts, bags and stickers.





  • Kim is a Sino-Vietnamese word from 金 (“metal; gold”).
    • Kim is a term used to refer to Metal, one of the Wu Xing ("Ngũ Hành").
    • Kim is also a word that means "the needle".
  • Sa is originated from the Hán Việt (Sino-Vietnamese characters). Depending on the Hán character and the context, Sa has numerous meanings.
    • Commonly, Sa is a Sino-Vietnamese word from 沙 ("sand; gravel"). Sa, at the same time, is also a Sino-Vietnamese word from 紗 ("gauze; thin silk").
  • Ngư is a Sino-Vietnamese word from 魚 (“fish”).
    • The alternative and common word of Ngư is "Cá", which is used to refer to the fish.
  • Kim Sa is a term used to refer to sequin.

Song title[]

  • Tuổi Mộng Mơ (Episode 7): The song name can be translated as "Dreamy Age" or "The Ages of Dreams".

Song lyrics[]

  • Xem Như Em Chẳng May (Episode 1): There's a mention of "thay áo mới" in the lyrics of the song. "Thay áo mới" ("change new shirt") is a slang word in Vietnamese that means change a new lover.


  • Lương Bích Hữu's voice type is Light Lyric Soprano, and in the first round of the show she was trying to make her voice deeper just like a Mezzo-Soprano voice.
  • According to Lương Bích Hữu in an interview after unmasking, she would sing the song "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera if she could make it to the next round.
  • Lương Bích Hữu and Tí Nâu (Thùy Chi), Cừu Bông (Khởi My), Madame Vịt (Khánh Linh) are both known as the masters of "baby voice" (a style of singing) because their singing voice always be sweeter and clearer than a young girl.
  • During the show, Kim Sa Ngư got to perfom a new song which appeared for the first time, as the producer of the show has commissioned it from Vietnamese musicians, which was:

See also[]
