Vadim Takmenyov
November 14, 1974 (age 50)
Journalist TV Presenter
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo Oblast
Khameleon/Хамелеон (Translated as Chameleon) is a masked contestant on the first season of Маска, the Russian version of The Masked Singer.
Songs [ ]
Specials [ ]
Song Selection
NYS 2021
"Кабы не было зимы" by Valentina Tolkunova
Final Guesses [ ]
Garik's Guess
Valeriya's Guess
Phillip's Guess
Regina's Guess
Timur's Guess
Vadim Takmenev
Vadim Takmenev
Vadim Takmenev
Vadim Takmenev
Trivia [ ]
Khameleon was the first Russian mask of the series to be revealed.
Khameleon so far is the only contestant who was unmasked after just one song. Starting with Season 2 eliminations begin in episode 2 (episode 1 became something as an "Introduction to the Masks" episodes).
Khameleon is a replica of the Mexican Camaleón .
Ironically, Camaleón was the winner of his season, meanwhile Khameleon was the first eliminated.
This also repeated itself with the Colombian Camaleón , the difference is that this Camaleón was a reused costume.
Vadim Takmenyov later performed in mask of Philipp Kirkorov as a guest.
In the second episode, Khameleon was supposed to sing Philip Kirkorov's hit "Снег".
Videos [ ]
«Маска» - Выпуск 1. Сезон 1 - Хамелеон. "Зацепила"
«Маска» - Новогодний выпуск. Паук и Хамелеон, "Кабы не было зимы"-2
«Маска» - Выпуск 1. Сезон 1 - Подсказка. Хамелеон-2