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Kakka (Translated as Poop) is a celebrity contestant on the sixth season of Masked Singer Suomi, the Finnish version of Masked Singer.


Week Song Selection Result
2 "Levikset Repee" by Sini Sabotage SAFE
4 "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette SAFE
6 "Tempo" by BESS SAFE
7 "Paloma Blanca" by Katri Helena SAFE
8 "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen SAFE
9 "Demoneista Ystävii" by Etta SAFE
10 “Queen of Kings” by Alessandra SAFE
11 "Paskana" by Sara Siipola (duet with Sara Siipola) ELIM


I dare to say, that this is the cutest poop you have ever seen. It could also be possible, that you have never heard poop sing this good! Despite the glitter and bling, or on the contrary due to them, this character is impossible to face without coming up with at least four poop jokes, and at least one of them hitting the fan.


Kakka's lifetime mission is to bring good mood for people! This turd's entertainment libido is a blood inheritance and they also love Girl Power!


Week Clue
2 "Dear Masked-viewers and lovely detectives. Let's begin from basic things. They look like suspicious pile, but at least they smile widely. They are the most natural thing, but their abilities are uncommon. They won't get the most love in the world for sure, but despite of that, they're just positive vibes! They are a dookie, who does sufficient decisions in their life, and hey, they are just like part of the nature's circulation! And guess what? they are very into men! They are an outrageous flirtpile! So outside is very deceiving many ways. They are like living, breathing, hit song by Sara Siipola. And even if you are Shit sometimes, you still can be great, beloved and gifted! With these commencement speeches of mine, good luck... Kakka!"
4 "Kakka has tried their wings everywhere. Before the calling started to gain wind under, or the real voice, you might have seen them on popular series, or from big movies... as an assisant. There's something peculiar on early Kakka what comes to being an assistant. The unnecessary shyness was in The lead role. No need to be talking all the time, but you shouldn't hide your gifted abilities either. You don't see parrots doing that, but rather showing off showy, plus they talk, loud even. Thank goodness they can't use public transportation... nonono, gotta stay on positive vibes only! Parrots has always been close to Kakka. And a special one is the shining black bird named Leo, who sometimes turns into creaking door, and sometimes into ringing phone. Leo has been so impressive, that you could say they have been inspiring Kakka!"
6 "Many of us think that Kakka, and anyone like them are like fish in the water, and not even the biggest flush is gonna change their mind. Well that's how it is! Kakka dives in with no fear, when it's about their special skills as well. Under the water they meet the dolphins, tortoises and the corals. Hmm, I haven't seen such things in my sewers... But it's probably the best. The subsurface world is important for Kakka, it takes them from the weekdays after all, which are world class with all of it's conferences with some sort of technology, they happen to be darn good with computers. Kakka has decided to decide what poop can do."
7 "Kakka says they have a big ego. I would call it "Vegas-Ego". You must shine excessively in the middle of desert. in the middle of other splendid locations. Kakka however is also nature's child with childish and lively attitude."
8 "I'm sure that I am speaking for everyone when I say that only few people wants to analyze way too specifically their own feces. In masked that is more than a responsibility, so let's inspect a little... From the composition of Kakka can be found for example following ingredients: Green Tea, clarinet.. and Paula Noronen! With these results it's pretty obvious that they either have iron abs, or very sensitive stomach. Or both. They at least cry over musicals and recovers by following Paula Noronen!"
9 "Kakka has got far. Not only in Masked Singer, but also in their life. The starting point was the burglar's paradise. A little crude neighborhood. Nowadays they feel home anywhere, especially on stages. Honorable feat for florist with fiber-based diet. Kakka feels home in the company of anyone. Not only they want to entertain, but also to encourage. Kakka by the way is not performing alone at all. Besides this they've always been in the middle of everything. Something our detectives has experience from, hm?"
10 (Narrated By Mikko Silvennoinen)"Let's imagine the following: You're an advisor, and there comes Kakka who's gonna A. Conquer the world. B. Do it the most unique way. C. They only have just few models or collegues in this world. And D. they have sensitive stomach. What will you do? Kakka's advisor told them to write letter for themselves, telling how things should have gone your way. In all honesty, young Kakka focused to write about their dog dream. And not just about how just technical talent is not enough, but you have to also script. How only succeeding is insufficient, and how you have to emphatize as well."
11 "Kakka entered this competition as a sweet, smiling pile of S**t. Yeah, how else could you put it? Oh if you only knew that the sludge hides only gold and diamonds beneath! Kakka's message in all simplicity is, that your dream can seem weird to others, but when it comes from the heart, you gotta follow it! What a shame if Kakka would have stayed in helper groups or choir masses. And also sometimes, if you are shy at the stage and start speaking with other's mouth, imagine all the possibilities opening up for you. One can only imagine"

Mehukatti-Clue - Kakka has made Scary Spice aka Mel B, laugh out loud

Slide my DM-clue - "Wanna Go Swimming?"


  • unicorn
  • film
  • lips
  • party
  • microphone

Final Guesses[]

Week Maria's Guess Benjamin's Guess Jenni's Guess Janne's Guess
11 Saara Aalto Tiina Timanttinen Auri kananen Noora Karma

Clue Answers=[]

Clue Answers
In most performances Kakka holds mic, where Sari's stomach is located. This is a reference to Sari's ventriloquist hobby