The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki
Unicorn masked
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This article or section features spoilers for the show, which may include the unmasking of celebrities. Once the season is finished, this notice may be removed. Read at your own risk!

Jesuíno is a masked celebrity contestant on the fifth brazilian season of The Masked Singer.


"Before leaving, Herculano promises to seek Jesuíno when he becomes an adult to succeed him as chieftain."
Being one of the main protagonists of Cordel Encantado, Jesuíno is a kind man with a difficult past. Son of Herculano, the most dangerous cangaceiro there ever was, he was raised by his single mother and fell in love with Açucena, although later he has a love triangle situation with Doralice. His life was built between secrets, and once he discovers that his father wants him to follow his steps into the crime life, he has to fight for what is right.


Jesuíno is a white man with thick eyebrows and thick black hair and beard, alongside light brown eyes. He is wearing a beige shirt with a brown jacker with beige embroideries, blue jeans and brown boots.


Week Song Selection Result
3 "Candeeiro Encantado" by Lenine WIN

