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Huacal (referring to a Mexican word to say Vegetable Crate) are a masked celebrity group contestant on the fourth season of ¿Quién es la Máscara?.


Huacal are a quartet with three fruits and one vegetable. The garlic has purple eyes, The pineapple has blue eyes, and The strawberry and pear both have green eyes. Each of them wear fashionable boots and flowery crowns. They're usually inside their vegetable crate on with wheels on them.


Week Song Selection Result
3 "Me Rehúso" by Danny Ocean BTM2
5 "Envolver" by Anitta WIN
6 "Alaska" by Camilo & Grupo Firme WIN
7 "XT4S1S" by Danna Paola SAFE
8 "El Bombón Asesino" by Ninel Conde WIN
9 "Wannabe" by Spice Girls SAFE
"Andas En Mi Cabeza" by Chino & Nacho ft. Daddy Yankee SAFE
10 "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee SAFE
"Aléjate de Mí" by Camila (Trio with Camila) WINNERS


Week Clue (Translated)
3 Ajo (Garlic): "I turn, I pose, I pose, I seduce the clientele, well, well, well, I'm almost ready, don't you think? Oh, I haven't seen you guys, let me introduce myself, I am Allium Sativum... well, but everyone knows me as the Garlic. I want to tell you that I live in this crate, where by the way they give us modeling classes, and not to brag but I am one of the best students. Oh, but to practice my poses I always listen to my favorite music, but first I have to feed my pet! I keep several memories of my adolescence, because it marked my life and that of many people. No, no, let me win this game, and I'll tell you a little bit more. Since I was a little garlic, art has been part of my life, I knew that the stage would become my favorite place, besides, I love being surrounded by fruits, vegetables, who enjoy the stage as much as I do, and no matter if they are tubers or cacti, when we get together in the show we are pure tastiness. The stars aligned and brought me to the stage of La Máscara, I live in this crate, I'm the Garlic, but my sign is Leo, and to shine tonight I'm going to peel my cloves."
5 Fresa (Strawberry): "I'm the Strawberry, I have a degree in communications, I'm a fan of the Vienna Symphony. I love my freckles, and yes, I'm a compulsive shopper. Isn't this the support group for well-to-do people from the orchards of Las Lomas? This is... this is the Vegetable Crate! The mythical place created in the 90s, and through which many celebrities have passed. Hahaha, here we go again, I'm the Strawberry, I like the Poison band, video games, a good barbecue, and romantic movies! Whoops, I had a déjà vu. If the Vegetable Crate is going to be my new home, I have to have my corner to think, whether I want to write, paint or even meditate, that's the cool thing about the Vegetable Crate, no matter the differences in this place! Well, it's time for my lunch, oh, I won't forgive that one for anything, besides, they say that here in the Vegetable Crate everyone eats like a horse! But I'll see all of you on the stage, so you guys can see that this is my home too."
6 (Ring Announcer): "In this corner, the Pear! And in this corner, the Pineapple!"
Piña (Pineapple): "Today I come to prove to you my dear Pear that I am the most iconic fruit of the Vegetable Crate."
Pera (Pear): "We'll see about that, I doubt you'll even get me out of my state of peace of mind."
Piña (Pineapple): "You think you're so pretty for being so talented, because you've been on TV since you were 11, but I think you're a nuisance, why don't you quit and practice ballet. Ba-ba-ba-llet."
Pera (Pear): "Singer, host, businesswoman and beautiful, it turns out that your style is visible from afar, just for being an Aries your character is imposed, but that of using gloves, does not beat me baby. Baby-by-by-by."
Piña (Pineapple): "Now by compromise you say nice things, but don't tell me: that can't be; you turn every day into a field day, you like markers and also involve-volve-volve."
Pera (Pear): "You know me since I was a little girl, and for all your rhymes I will make you a promise, we will always be friends until we are old, and together with the Vegetable Crate I will always sing to you. Noo pineapple, not you, please!"
Piña (Pineapple): "What happened?"
Pera (Pear): "A bag of sauce fell on your head and you fainted from the shock."
Piña (Pineapple): "Don't worry about that, we have to go out and sing with the Vegetable Crate."
Pera (Pear): "Hmm, but the bad thing is that they stained your clothes."
Piña (Pineapple): "Noo!"
7 (Show Director): "Let's go in 5, in 4, in 3, in 2..."
Fresa (Strawberry): "Hahaha, how tremendous! In a little while we will continue talking dear. Pretty lady who is with us at home, thank you for being here with us, we have some fresh market gossip for you, of course we do."
Pera (Pear): "Well, why wait? Let's see, sis, I'll tell you! Christian Nopal got a new tattoo, but apparently this time it wasn't for his own pleasure, but for his mother's orders! How do you see?"
Piña (Pineapple): "What? I don't understand, what did his mom say? Tell me."
Pera (Pear): "Well, it turns out that when he told his mom he was going to get another tattoo, she told him: get a tattoo, but on your buttocks. So he got them tattooed, hahaha!"
Ajo (Garlic): "That kid already looks like a public restroom! By the way, the recordings of different singers for the tribute album to Freddie Verdury have already started, and they say it's going to be cooler than Maracujackson's hair in the 80s, hahaha!"
Piña (Pineapple): "Hey, and that the Strawberry and I went very elegant to the red carpet of the movie 'The Greengrocers Return', and it was full of famous stars, like Bárbara Zarzamori, Bárbara Perejil, who by the way is as much a fan of sushi as I am."
Fresa (Strawberry): "And you know, Cherriesalma Hayek was dressed to kill, everyone was left with the peel open when they saw her, and she told us about her next project, let's see."
(Show Director): "3, 2, we are running the video."
Pera (Pear): "Hey, it's producer Magda Rodríguez, coming back from the video we have to talk about Cuarón's film, awarded at the Venice Film Festival, count me out huh."
Ajo (Garlic): "No, count me out either! Tell her to ask Gali, she knows a lot about films, and let's go! Because it's time for us to leave the Vegetable Crate straight to the stage of ¿Quién es la Máscara? Yee-haw!"
8 Pera (Pear): "That's right, there used to be other fruits in the Vegetable Crate, but now they go other ways, some of them changed their name."
Fresa (Strawberry): "Hey no, no, I already know, I mean, dude, wait, I mean, our next performance on stage, what do you think about doing something super pop? Mega top, where we are all in a school hallway, like this, and suddenly the song starts: The members are the special! Because the Vegetable Crate is already reunited! And so the dream restarted, from Argentina, to Nebraska, around the world our songs will go!"
Pera (Pear): "Imagine it rather with something more romantic, a couple on the beach, walking in the sunset, holding hands, and singing: Look at me here, I'm showing you who I am, listen to my voice, even in the cinema they play it, I assure you that here does not end my story."
Piña (Pineapple): "Oh, I rather imagine it as a Norteño style, all like in a cantina, twenty musicians dressed alike with shiny suits, and suddenly a guy comes in, crying and singing: When you left, you abandoned them! I came to the rescue and to wash the dishes! Thank heaven, my joy is eternal!"
Ajo (Garlic): "No, I think that what we need to impress my Juanpa is a musical number of impact that they do not expect, imagine, all the Vegetable Crate with the face painted in the eighties style, like Poison, leather clothes, studs, and a dirty garage with sparks and explosive fire coming out: When I was a little girl, I went dancing! That's why I took ballet classes! Come on in to the Vegetable Crate, listen to our songs, you'll have fun!"
Piña (Pineapple): "Wait Pear, the Eggplant has an idea for our performance in ¿Quién es la Máscara?"
Everyone: "Yes!"
9 Pera (Pear): "Ladies and gentlemen of ¿Quién es la Máscara?, look me in the eye, in your beloved section: Vegetable Crate of Tears. Tonight we present: They Took the Tepache Out of Me. An original drama by the acclaimed writer Gabriel Watermelon Márquez, let's see it."
Fresa (Strawberry): "Perfect, you're just in time for the sleepover, and you already know that the night is moving! But where's the Pear? It always takes her a long time to put on her jeans."
Piña (Pineapple): "Well, who knows, sis, I saw her a little while ago talking to herself, she was like she was lovesick, she was in front of the mirror, I think she is playing again at being a host."
Ajo (Garlic): "Ugh! I'm sick of being kept waiting! I already want to play Ouija! I want to find out if there is more than what you imagine after they take you out of the Vegetable Crate, and take you to their homes!"
Pera (Pear): "Let's see, let's see, first of all, my chic girls, I never make you wait, what happens is that you arrive earlier. Secondly, my dear Garlic, you need to go to a group to control your anger. And thirdly, that board sounds tremendous, but don't even think we're going to use that thing. I think we should sing some Yuri songs to make it to the finale, what do you think?"
Ajo (Garlic): "No, no, no and no! What we need is that the prickly pear green-eyed daddy, Juanpa Zurita, gives us his decisive vote, or that Mr. Intuition composes another song for us! Or that my Gali seduces all the public with her gaze so that they support us!"
Fresa (Strawberry): "I think the only solution we have left is to use the game that the Garlic brought, and ask for help from the afterlife, we can invoke those who won other seasons, so that they can give us their blessing."
Everyone: "Ancient spirits of the Vegetable Crate, we ask for the vision of the Chameleon, the brilliance of Disco Ball, and the agility of the Apache, to find the winning formula for this season, if you are there, share with us the wisdom and tell us what is the key to be the best show of ¿Quién es la mácara?!"
(Cactus): "If I sting you I'll make you fall in love!"
Everyone: "Noo!"
10 (Marisol González): "How are you, girls? Pear, how do you feel about being in the finale?"
Pera (Pear): "Yee-haw! The truth is that all the Vegetable Crate was super happy, I feel very excited because at first this really looked super far away, because all participants here are super talented to sing and to create characters."
(Marisol González): "How nice, and the Vegetable Crate, is always cheerful, always irreverent, a lot of energy that is contagious, but tell me, do you feel that now the public can not see you girls as they normally do, or is it really that they are getting to know you as you really are?"
Ajo (Garlic): "Yes, although there are parts that are just for fun, like fighting, the fact is that I am very intense. The truth is that we are very grateful for the affection and the teaching that this stage full of magic and love has left us."
Pera (Pear): "Yes, the love that everyone involved in this beautiful project puts into it."
Piña (Pineapple): "Oh, all the love and support that the people who work here have given us to make this possible, oh yes, they are the best."
Fresa (Strawberry): "And above all, we are moved by the fact that every week the public lets us into their homes to give them a little bit of our work, and try to make them laugh and have a good time."
(Marisol González): "We are also very happy to share with all of you, really, thank you very much!"
Piña (Pineapple): "Oh yes, I tell you dude, it was horrible, it all started the first day we went on stage of ¿Quién es la Máscara?, we were disguising that we were four members. Our plan to mislead the panelists by making only one member of the Vegetable Crate sing was working, dude, but what we did not know is that the Pear was desperate, and she grew a very ugly resentment, very horrible."
Fresa (Strawberry): "I really remember it well, with my performance I felt very comfortable, I feel that the panelists were about to tell me that they loved me, oh my God, but I never imagined what was happening in the heart of the Garlic. Oh me, I really thought the Vegetable Crate breakup would come from the Pear and the Pineapple, and it looked like they had a clash, so much so that they even got into the ring."
Piña (Pineapple): "Oh, the truth is, I never had anything against anyone, look how the Strawberry and the Garlic were always making a mess when talking to the panelists, I guess it doesn't do them much good to eat sweets before going on stage."
Ajo (Garlic): "No, no, no, no, no. Let's see, they're talking nonsense! Let's see, record me, I have to open up my confident heart to you. It all really started when the panelists and Omar started to say that we were their favorites, something started to grow inside us!"
Pera (Pear): "Let's see, let's see, let's see, they are making it very tired, all of us in the Vegetable Crate were very excited and started to get very illusioned with this day. Oh, shall I go on? Okay, well, I fainted from the excitement, but these are re-exaggerated and they even called the police, but now, we are super ready to give it all in this finale of..."
Week The Final Clue
9 Metamorphosis
Clue Answers
The references to the nineties are due to the decade in which they started their career and their participation in the 90's Pop Tour.
"Metamorfosis (Metamorphosis)" is the title of JNS' most recent album.
2017 is a reference to the year they officially take the name JNS.

Final Guesses[]

Week Carlos' Guess Galilea's Guess Juanpa's Guess Yuri's Guess
10 JNS The female members of OV7 JNS A mix of members from Kabah, OV7, and JNS


  • The mask was revealed on October 8, 2022.[1]
  • At the beginning, it was unclear how many were actually part of the mask and how many were there just to fool the panel.
    • During their first performance, Ajo appeared to perform solo. However, Fresa, Pera, and Piña were in the background, implying that Huacal was a group costume.
    • On their second performance, Fresa joined Ajo and became a duo mask. However, Pera and Piña were in the background again.
    • On their third performance, Pera and Piña performed, while Ajo and Fresa remained in the background, where they were joined by three new masks: Berenjena (Eggplant), Rábano (Radish), and Zanahoria (Carrot). All of whom often appear in some clue packages.
    • From their fourth performance on, Ajo, Fresa, Pera, and Piña started singing together, officialy becoming a quartet mask.
  • Huacal is the second group contestant in The Masked Singer history to be a quartet. The first being Italy's original Baby Alieno.
  • When they finished singing "Alaska", Pera and Piña collided causing Pera to accidentally fall.[2]
  • Huacal performed "Andas En Mi Cabeza" by Chino & Nacho ft. Daddy Yankee, which was previously performed by Zombie in Season 2.
  • Huacal performed "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi "ft. Daddy Yankee, which was previously performed by Minotauro in Season 1.
  • Huacal is the first ever quartet in The Masked Singer history to win.
  • Huacal is the second winner to sing a song that has already been sung.
  • Karla Díaz competed before on the special mini-program, "¿Quién es la Máscara? Teletón 2020", as Lele.
  • Juanpa previously had a minor guess saying that Karla Díaz could be Ratón on season 2 and guessed her to be Hormiga on season 3.
  • Leona and Alfiletero were originally JNS' members.



