"Make way, friends, because the Queen Ant is here. Ta-da! And it's me. I know, I know what you're thinking, how pretty I am, how cute I am, but I'm much more than that. Since I was a child I have survived several wars with my talent and I made a promise to myself to be the hardest worker. The key to fight it is to activate my antennae, to know how to listen, and to run! In every group of ants, brotherhood is the most precious thing because in my reign the greatest gift is life, and although a queen ant represents the only one, hold on, because there are more of us every time, and no one can commit the crime of fumigating us. Because a queen is unforgettable and an ant is always a friend, so activate your antennae because we are going for everything."
Clue Answers
The crown is a reference to Venezuela, for being the birthplace of beauty queens.
The "Ant Girls" sign in her clue package alludes to the group "Las Chicas" where she used to sing in her youth.
She claims to be "the only one," because at one time she was the only sports journalist taken seriously.