Hirviö is a humanoid monster with black horns, light brown hair and black glasses, he also has a light brown beard. Hirviö wears a golden jacket with vintage ornaments on it, a purple necktie and a black shirt with a golden print, dark purple pants and brown boots. The hands of the costume are also bare monster hands, with fur coming out at the end of the jacket.
"Kanoottilaulu" by Sielun Veljet
"Hirviö is a fascinating and beloved character who is always on the move and whose mouth is going and going and going... I am very good in explaining and it comes handy as my job is like string dancing. And what comes to singing, I've been doing that in front of an audience last time on a cruise ship to Sweden in 1994. So now it's time to come back! As a member of the magician community, I know all the tricks and gimmicks to engage the audience. I love weird people and I am one of those. I for one like to think myself as a regular monster, who is dreaming of a bench and asparagus. I never stop loving my life, so my motto is 'Rather here and now'."
Clue Answers[]
Clue Answers
The character is a reference to Mika finding the suit from a theater he did a broadcast in.