Grandfather Clock has a rectangular head, he has a symmetrical design on top with little gears. He has a tan fence with blue and red stripes, the clock part is white and outlined in green, he has human facial features, including grey eyebrows, brown eyes, a nose, a grey moustache, and an open mouth, his hands are pointing at 3:45. He has a body with the same pattern as the head, a gold pendulum, tan and brown striped sleeves, and brown gloves. He has 3 brown belts on his waist, brown, tan, and green striped pants, tan rectangular shoes with brown rectangles. He also has shoulder pads with gold tassels on the edge, and gold tassels on the edge of his shoes.
Song Selection
"Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Haley & His Comets
“Tick tock, time to meet Grandfather Clock. It's a funny old thing, time. You don't tend to think about it until it's running out; and that can be an alarming thought. But when you're chasing time, you learn to make every single minute count. Who knows when you might be in extra time? During my career, I've had a good fortune to spend many of my hours looking after a great estate. It brings me huge pride to say I've been the keeper of such a loved institution. Now, I may be a grandfather clock, but don't let that fool you. I'm extremely young at heart, and I do relish a bit of competition. It's part of my making, and some things will never change. Now, I'm no stranger to performing, but tonight, Will you guess who I am? And will it be the correct answer?”
"Wow. my first performance as the Clock was magnificent. I loved it. The panel still don't know the face behind this clock face. And I intend to save my real identity for as long as possible. Hahahaha! Being a clock, time keeping is very important. And I'm always punctual. It's a great skill, and my skills are often something that have been commentated on. Things can only work like clockwork if you take time to practice. Time invested in honing your skills is the secret to great success. Talent is not enough. I work to make myself perfect. That, and a pinch of self-belief. And I guess you could say that I'm somewhat of a believer. I don't know about miracles, or anything like that, but I have definitely seen the hand of God with my own two eyes. Tonight, I'm going to bring my best game, and it's 'Goodbye' something I hope I won't be saying."
Two Lies and a Truth
I've never worked in a bank, but I'm still great at saving
A prime minister once compared our jobs
People always give me stuff they don't like
Clue Answers
The SN1 2ED postcode was ac clue to Swindon Town FC where Glenn was manager
The cowboy boots and spurs were clues to Glenn's time at Tottenham Hotspur
Glenn was on the pitch when Maradona used his 'Hand of God' to score in the World Cup
Unmasked Answers
Glenn played for & managed the England football team - The Three Lions
The wolf sound we heard... was a clue to Glenn's time managing Wolverhampton Wanderers
Glenn released a single with fellow football player Chris Waddle
Glenn's England debut was against Bulgaria in November 1979
Former PM Tony Blair said Glenn had a tougher job than him managing the England football team
Final Guesses[]
Mo's Guess
Davina's Guess
Rita's Guess
Jonathan's Guess
Lee Dixon
David Seaman
Ian Wright
Peter Shilton
He is the second footballer to perform in the UK Masked singer. First was Tree.