The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki

Flor (translated as Flower) is a masked contestant on the first Chilean season of ¿Quién es la Máscara?


The Flor costume's head is of an orange flower with a humanlike face. Her top and pants are made to appear covered with vines and leaves She also has a giant leaf on her back, giving the appearance of a tail.


Flor - Always a lady, never informal

From a beautiful garden, Flor arrives! A perfect combination between body and a healthy mind set. She loves the nature and the live outdoors, she also likes to relax and enjoys the simple stuff in life. Her main virtue is to always be zen at any moment


Week Song Selection Result
1 "Herida" by Myriam Hernández WIN
2 “Amor prohibido” by Selena BTM2
"Inevitable" by Shakira SAFE
3 “La bilirrubina” by Juan Luis Guerra SAFE
“Celos” by Daniela Romo WIN
4 "Para Hacer Bien El Amor" by Raffaella Carrà ELIM

Face-Off Performances[]

Week VS Song Selection
2 Burro "Sopa de Caracol" by Banda Blanca
4 Cigüeña "Mi Primer Millón" by Bacilos


Week Clue
2 "Hello! Everyone be welcomed to this beautiful field of flowers, my house. I am a peaceful flower, I never liked being alone, ive been like this since i was small. Because of this, my favorite place has always been this one, close to all of my flower sisters. i am here for myself and for all my companions, i want to bring joy, happiness, music, and of course, good vibes, which is what i like to give the most, i always want to find peace and tranquility for they are things that have no price. Like a good flower, i am friends with the butterflies, they always visit me, we talk, and they dance around me, maybe thats why i love them! Dancing is one of my biggest passions in life. Music has such a unique connection with my body, my petals move to the melody and i feel like im flying. Us flowers are delicate and sensitive we can be fragile, but we are strong as well, and we can go through many tempest or winds that try to throw us around. So here i am, about to sing something that i hope you all like, and i hope you all panelists dont discover who i am, so i can be with you all, for all the springs to come"
3 "Hello my flowers! Are you all ready to discover me? Lets see if i can help you all, or maybe ill confuse you more. Today i wanted to tell you all that music is something amazing for us flowers. It makes us happy so we can grow strong and healthy, and thats why when i can i listen music. Songs have been with me ever since i was small, us flowers are supposed to be really chill and we are not supposed to move too much, but let me tell you all a secret. I'm a little bit restless, if i told you guys everything that i do, you all would get tired pretty easily. i sing, i dance, i do arts and crafts, i write poems, i play the guitar. i need more hours of the day for all my hobbies! Like a good flower, i am also really romantic, do you guys want to know who i was in love with? He was famous….do you guys have any idea? It was Miguel Bose, i just found him so handsome, but now, i have my own flower who drives me crazy, with only a few words he makes all my petals fly away! My flower is handsome, sensible, hes not dumb at all, did the clues that i told you all helped you? They didnt? Damn… i promise next time i will help you all more! Byee-byeee!!"
5 "Hello everyone, today i woke up wanting to laugh, so i will tell you all a joke. Do you know whats what pisses flowers off?? That theyre left planted! Haha…oh it sounded so boring! But its fine, because something that i have learned during these years is that you need to be happy, no matter what happens in life. This flower searches for peace, i didnt always have this semi-spiritual life, i was in a big mess once, and i didnt like that at all. my face has been in many different places, videos, photos, posters, covers, everything! i have been a flower who is always up to the trends, and even if i liked being known, i felt like i didnt fit. i was like a flower in a strangers pot, being famous was never an objective for me, but thats how life went! And now i am a matured flower, i even have flowery-grand children, i see my past and i laugh a bit, because everything was so messy, that im glad i can be in my flower field living in peace with the people i love, another place i love being at is the stage of La Mascara, so ill go to sing now! I hope you all like it, namaste! The end."
6 "Hello my brothers and sisters, here you all catched me doing some morning stretches, to give thanks to the sun for the life that it gives us. because for us the flowers, the sun is what we need the most, there is where we get the energy to grow, and we use that energy to make ourselves be on our best shape. i wanted to tell you all a fact- i never liked being alone, i always am in search of company like my family or my partner, maybe thats why i ended up being so lovely. They even say i am too much at times, but its not like that, i am a flower of only one pot.

My liking of being around people has to come from when i was a really young mother, i was always accompanied by my children, and then my grandchildren too! It makes me so happy to see my small flowers happy, i have many dreams, one of those being able to become a big actress, and see myself on the movies. Acting has been one of the most beautiful things i have discovered, and i love being able to do it. I would love to be always able to do what I want and like, doing stuff you love is the base part of happiness, and what I want to do now is be able to sing for you all! So ill be going to the stage now, good byeeee!"

7 "Helloooo whats uuup! Hello to the roses, the clovers, the daisies, and to every other flower that is by me from day to day, are you guys the healthy type? Because i am, i put on a bit of moisturizer and i stay healthy with the food i eat, i havent eaten meat for over 30 years! I prefer vegetables and fish, and i do some exercise to keep being healthy and in shape. But theres always space in here for a good champagne or a wine. When it's about clothes i dont always wear green, i like wearing hippie-like clothes, some say i look messy, but i like being comfortable and be in contact with nature. But in my younger years i loved being trendy, my dream is to be able to go and live to the beach, look at the sea… Is that too much to ask? I feel like i deserve it, maybe if i win La Mascara ill do it, ill pick up all my things and go there, would you guys come with me?"
8 "Hello everyone, welcome to this beautiful flower field, where everyone can fit in. i want to say something to my flower friends that are listening to me at home, we have to take care of ourselves, and not let anything take us down.

A few times i look at the mirror, and feel like there are many different flowers who look way better than me, but as the years pass by i realized that dosent matter much, i am happy with who i am now. when i was a younger flower i literally was at the center of the world, i became a bit crazy you could say. To the point i fell in love completely for another flower, and all i wanted to do was get married, i was still young, i wasnt even 18 at the time! Thank god mom Flor made me not go through that crazy compromise, like i have said, i am very passionate! This flower has a dream with his flower, we would love to grab our pots and would love to live close to the sea, me and my love watching and going to the beach until we are old, and we have no petals left. its a beautiful and romantic wish, but i ask myself 'why cant i dream with a way better future?' Panelists, i have been for many episodes telling you all this stuff, dont discover me now! Because i want to keep on singing for you all, goodbye!"

Final Guesses[]

Week Cristián R.'s Guess Raquel's Guess Millaray's Guess Cristián S.'s Guess
4 Mónica Aguirre Mónica Aguirre Mónica Aguirre Mónica Aguirre


  • Mónica Aguirre, the person behind the mask, was actually the mother of the substitute panelist Millaray Viera.