Firework is wearing a blue sequin catsuit, with flared legs. Over the jumpsuit, she is wearing a blue and orange collar and skirt combination. The mask itself resembles that of a firework, with bright yellow, pink and orange sticks coming out. The shoes and arm cuffs also feature these sticks.
"Hiya babs. It's me, Firework. Oh my god, what am I like. I've always been a pocket rocket, a total bundle of energy, but that's just my style. Maybe that's because fireworks are designed to make people smile. They're modelled to be colourful and create joy and happiness. A firework makes any event a party, and you can't have a party without a few fireworks. Normally, you find us in the sky, but this one has also lit things up in another fashion. So stand back and shield your eyes, because I'm about to walk into this competition with a bang!"
"My first performance went off with a bang, and I'm ready to shine once more. The reality of being a firework is that you're always looking for a spark. I mean, just like me, I like things that spark my interest. But I have a very short attention span. I Have always been that way, when I was just a little sparkler, I was always jumping from sport to sport. I did all of them. I was a swimmer, a runner, I tried gymnastics. I even won a gold medal once and I did end up taking part in some games, later on in life. Those early years definitely lit a fuse under me that made me the firework I am today."
“Last time, I managed to ‘rocket’ to victory. The panel are seeing stars, but they’re blinded as to who I am. Okay, Okay, I’ll be honest being a Firework is hard, man, but it’s so much fun. I love to dress up. I do love labels but there’s one that you might know me for most of all. That’s a bit of a riddle and I have been known to rhyme. Thinking that you might guess me, well that’s a very scary thought. But I don’t mind, because I like to be scared. Well now I’m being a proper little horror aren’t I?”
“Last time, the panel were struggling to see who I am. And I’m hoping to keep it that way for a little longer. Throughout this competition, you’ve been studying my every move as you try to get inside my head. Which is funny, you know, because that’s the same thing I do in my job. I hope I’ve made a good impression. Fireworks have been around throughout a lot of history, and this one has definitely seen a lot of drama. Period. Oh, I’ve got a text! Tonight, I’m hoping my performance goes off with a BANG!”
First Episode Clue
"I light up the street with a different kind of flash."
Two Lies and a Truth
I don't like waste, but I have been guilty of dumping.
You couldn't make up how I beat nine hundred people.
I made a real impression with something I wore.
It's Not Me, It's You
"Don't get mad get equal."
Social Media Clue
Firework doing a TikTok dance.
Clue Answers
"I've seen a lot of drama, period" nods to Jaime starring in period dramas like 'Made in Dagenham' and 'Poirot'
The ice skates in the clue VT were a clue to Jaime featuring in the Torvill and Dean biopic.
The clue song 'Kids' nodded to Jaime's film 'Kidulthood' and to her being the kid of film star, Ray Winstone.
The social media clue: '@BECKY030306 You go kid' is her character's name in 'Kidulthood' and its release date.