The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki
Unicorn masked
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Dona Lurdes is a masked celebrity contestant on the fifth brazilian season of The Masked Singer.


"Lurdes is a struggling woman who had four children: Magno, Ryan, Érica, and Domênico, who was sold at the age of 2 by her ex-husband to child trafficker Kátia."
Being one of the main protagonists of Amor de Mãe, Dona Lurdes becomes friends with Vitória and Thelma, two different mothers with two different upbringings, the story focusing on what they'll do to give a better life to their kids. Working as a babysitter and maid, Lurdes goes through a rough journey throughout the telenovela, finding betrayal, hunger and misery along the way.


Dona Lurdes is an old black woman with long black hair, with brown eyes and red reading glasses, she has a yellow sweater above a red dress with small flower details around it, alongside brown sandals and a brown handbag.


Week Song Selection Result
3 "É" by Gonzaguinha ELIM


Week VS Result
3 Penha "Pedras que Cantam" by Fagner
Catarina e Petruchio

Final Guesses[]

Week Belo's Guess Sabrina's Guess Tatá's Guess Tony's Guess Kenya's Guess
1 Bárbara Paz Patrícia Poeta POCAH Sheron Menezzes Fafá de Belém


  • Dona Lurdes has on her individual promo, 190 chapters, but Amor de Mãe took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, so the telenovela was shortened to 125 chapters.
  • Dona Lurdes sung "É" by Gonzaguinha, which was previously performed by Arara.
  • Dona Lurdes was unmasked to be Cacau Protásio, who was Carminha's maid during Avenida Brasil.


