"Two heads think better than one, now imagine what I am capable of with three. Do you want to know how to find me? That's easy, I'm like air, I'm everywhere. I know that I look like I bite, but nah, you count on me, that you have a problem? that they are lynching you? You relax, I'll make sure everyone knows, yes, I feed on you. And you may not like what I say, but in reality you think the same as me, I'm a necessary evil, woof woof. Don't make up shit, because from this leather come out all the straps you want, how do you see? Grrr. What can I tell you? In spite of everything there are many people who love me. But now leave me, I need to concentrate, because I don't know about the others, but I, I come for everything, grrr."
"How I enjoyed twerking on stage. Although the panelists left me losing, the audience saved me and my three heads went to sleep with a big smile, that's what it's all about, giving it your all. You may think that things have been easy for me, but the truth is that I have had to work my ass off for everything I have, that's how it is, life is a constant fight. My life also has a bright side, I can have many faces, and also meet other faces that are not as famous as me. I'm not going to lie to you, being me is not easy, sometimes I even lose myself. Lose yourself in what? Don't be like that, you love the way I am. It's just that... sometimes you go too far. Of course not, I simply say what nobody dares to say, bwahahah! Please don't fight, why not... I don't know, I invite you to the movies and make peace, okay? Do you know what happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object? Today I come to break it!"
Older Dog Portrait "Life is a trip and you showed me how crazy the journey can be, but above all how much fun it is to reach the end."
Clue Answers
He claimed to be "everywhere" because he does stuff for the Internet, TV and radio.
The van in the calendar in his clue package refers to the section of his YouTube channel called "Escorpión Al Volante".
He made several references to the fact that he says what others don't dare, because of his well-known personality.
Cerbero appears in the fourth clue package for Carnívora as one of the nominees in the "Most Fanged Character" category of the first ¿Quién es la Máscara? awards ceremony.
Cerbero is the first fictional character to compete on The Masked Singer Franchise.
Cerbero and Jaguar, from the fifth season, are brothers.