Catrina wears a purple dress with a red heart in the middle and flowers on the shoulders, black leather pants and shoes. The mask features "sugar skull" make-up, and is surrounded by flowers and a golden halo.
"Without my voice this Catrina was born, with much effort I was able to win, now I always look beautiful, with perseverance I was able to achieve it. With a "calaverita" I sing to you, because of course Mexican I am. I am afraid of myself, of a night brighter than the sun. If the bony reaper appears, better give me a beautiful flower, because if you take off my mask you will see a smile of love. Even though I've passed myself off as dead, hearing my voice can help you a lot."
"How proud the Catrina is of such an applauded performance, and although I am still moved I will give you more clues. If you ask me about age, I was born in 2000 something in a great Mexican singing. I lived impossible years, although today I am invincible, because my cousin the death put me two important angels who now guide me on this path. I can be very beautiful, but you can know me by bad, and if my cousin the death comes to visit me, she just has to endure and resist, because in this moment I am showing with my singing that I am desiring to live."
"At first I was afraid to be me, but now I am in love, I am magic and devotion, I give a love as big as me. From my father I come, from my father I am, he gave us a love story. I challenge you to remember how forbidden I was, the first of many and it was starred by the Derbez. But the best story is the one I'm going to tell you, so come with me, because it's time to sing."
Clue Answers
The name "Esther" in the trajinera of Catrina's package, is the name of her character in the telenovela "Los ricos también lloran".
When she said she was "made in Mexico," she was referring to the theater play of the same name.
Other Clue Answers
When she said she was the daughter of celebrities, she was talking about her parents, the actress Dina de Marco and the director Rafael Banquells, with whom she made her television debut at the age of 10 with the telenovela "Senda prohibida".
In Catrina's package you can see how she delivers a red rose, this has the clear reference to the theme of "La bella y la bestia", which she played with Mijares in 1990, for the Disney animated film "Beauty and the Beast".
Catrina walks through the canals of Xochimilco, while she is illuminated by the Earth's natural satellite, this is the wink to one of her greatest hits, "Luna Mágica".
Final Guesses[]
Adrián's Guess
Carlos' Guess
Consuelo's Guess
Yuri's Guess
Rocío Banquells
María del Sol
Rocío Banquells
Catrina made a small appearance at the opening of the season 2 premiere.
Adrián's final guess for Catrina was Dulce. She eventually took part in Season 2 as Medusa.