Caranguejo (translated as Crab) is a masked celebrity contestant on the second brazilian season of The Masked Singer Brasil.
She is an orange beach crab that dons braces on her teeth and wears converse-like shoes.
Week | Song Selection | Result |
2 | "Combatchy" by Anitta, Lexa and Luísa Sonza feat. Rebecca | BTM4 |
4 | "Ginga" by IZA feat. Rincon Sapiência | BTM3 |
6 | "Regime Fechado" by Simone & Simaria | BTM3 |
7 | "O Amor e o Poder" by Rosana | BEST |
8 | "Brasil" by Gal Costa | IMM |
9 | "Batom de Cereja" by Israel & Rodolffo | ELIM |
Special | "Não Precisa Mudar" by Ivete Sangalo (Duet with Dragão and Ivete Sangalo) | SPECIAL |
Week | Clue |
2 | "I often spend nights in my room, in my little world, talking to the moon, but now that I'm gone, it's to shine. Competition is with me. At first, few people notice me, but soon, I'm on the networks all over Brazil. After all, it's sideways that I go far. Tell the mangrove that today there is Caranguejo on stage at The Masked Singer Brasil." |
"The training at the mangrove gave me disposition to face the life challenges." | |
Craze: Sleeping with bare feet |
Fashion Week |
Black Blazer |
Panel's Questions | Answer |
"Where would be your perfect date?" | "In a place where we could talk without interference, preferably by candlelight." |
"Married or single?" | "I already found my lobster for life." |
Clue Answers |
"Talking to the moon" is a nod to the Rouge's song "Brilha La Luna". |
So many times, Aline made references about her former group, Rouge. |
Final Guesses[]
Week | Xuxa's Guess | Tatá's Guess | Rodrigo's Guess | Taís' Guess | Eduardo's Guess | Priscilla's Guess |
9 | Rebeca Andrade | Aline Wirley | N/A | Lucy Alves | Evelyn Castro | Manu Gavassi |
Guest Judges Guesses[]
Week | Guest | Guess |
4 | Péricles | Formiga |
6 | Ísis Valverde | N/A |
7 | Luísa Sonza | Alinne Rosa |
First Impressions[]
Roberta's First Impression | Tatá's First Impression | Rodrigo's First Impression | Taís' First Impression | Eduardo's First Impression |
Formiga | Mônica Iozzi | Emanuelle Araújo | Malu Rodrigues | N/A |
- The mask was showcased along with Bebê, Robô, Camaleão, Dragão, Pavão e Boto on January 12, 2022.
- Caranguejo is the mask that got Best of the Day and placed the lowest before the semifinals or finals, placing 8th.
- She is the first mask that got Best of the Day as her only win.
- The panel had minor guesses that Aline could be Pavão.
- Taís had a minor guess, in the first episode, that Aline could be Borboleta.
- She also had her first impression guess that Aline could be Leoa.
- However, Taís' final guess was Lucy Alves, that played Leoa.
- She also had her first impression guess that Aline could be Leoa.
- Similar to Crab from the US, Caranguejo placed 8th.
- Caranguejo is the first contestant to ever sing a song by a contestant on the show (Combatchy by Lexa, who was Maria Bonita);
- Caranguejo sung a song by a future contestant of the show (O Amor e o Poder by Rosana, who was Vermelhíssima from Os Suculentos);
- Caranguejo sung a song by a guest contestant of the show (Combatchy by Luísa Sonza, who was Guerreira).
- Caranguejo and Lampião are the first contestants on the Brazilian version of the show to ever join the Big Brother Brazil.
- Coincidentally, they were in the same seasons on both shows.
- Rodrigo had a first impression guess that Caranguejo could be Emanuelle Araújo, who played Julieta on the third season.
- Eduardo guessed that Caranguejo was Evelyn Castro, who played Sereia Iara on the fourth season.
BR Masked Singers | |
Season 1 | |
Coqueiro • Dogão • Gata Espelhada • Girassol Jacaré • Monstro • Onça Pintada • Unicórnio | |
Season 2 | |
Camaleão • Caranguejo • Coxinha • Dragão • Lampião e Maria Bonita Leoa • Motoqueira • Pavão • Robô • Rosa • Ursa | |
Season 3 | |
Coruja • Dinossauro • DJ Vitória-Régia • Filtro de Barro • Galo Milho de Milhões • Os Suculentos • Romeu e Julieta • Vovó Tartaruga | |
Season 4 | |
Etzinho • Livro • MC Porquinha • Mamãe Abacate Pé de Alface • Preguiça • Sereia Iara • Trevo da Sorte | |
Season 5 | |
Foguinho • Jade • Jesuíno • Juma • Nazaré Tedesco • Odete Roitman Penha • Ruth e Raquel • Sol • Tieta • Vlad | |
Miscellaneous | |