The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki
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Candinho e Policarpo is a masked celebrity contestant on the fifth brazilian season of The Masked Singer.


"A young man who was separated from his mother at birth and lives in abject poverty in the fictitious countryside of Piracema."
Being the main protagonist of Êta Mundo Bom!, Candinho is a happy-go-lucky man whose main story arc involves around searching for his lost mother. Humbled by life, he doesn't know his mother is a millionaire. He also searches for the love of Filomena, a forbidden love as their family doesn't accept him as a suitable partner. Policarpo, on the other hand, is the best friend of Candinho, both are inseparable and also has his own love, Rita. Overall, he's just a donkey.


Candinho is a white man with brown eyes, ruffled black hair and a brown leather hat. He is wearing a beige shirt with a brown jacket and some light pants being held by suspenders. He also has brown boots. Policarpo is a donkey costume wearing donkey gear and also has brown eyes.


Week Song Selection Result
2 "O Sanfoneiro Só Tocava Isso" by Suricato SAFE
5 "Saudade De Minha Terra" by Zé Neto & Cristiano WIN
7 "TBA" by TBA TBA


  • Policarpo is the only animal costume of the fifth season, considering every single other contestant is based after a human character.
    • Ironically enough, Policarpo wasn't a contestant. The donkey turned out to be a mere companion to Candinho in order to fool the panel, such as the characters theirselves.


