The Masked Singer Wiki
The Masked Singer Wiki

Blanchon (translated as Whitecoat) is a contestant on the first season of Chanteurs Masqués.


Blanchon is a harp seal with white fur with patches of brown spots and a dark blue scarf around his neck.


Week Song Selection Placement
1 "New York, New York" by Frank Sinatra ELIM



CAN Masked Singers
Season 1
Agrille du FrêneBlanchonBrebis BergèreCastor en CostardDéesse Chatte
Dinde NoireGâteauGladiatriceHarfang des NocesInséparables
Orignal de MétalPapillonPoutineReine de L'espaceTruite Mouchetée
Season 2
BébélugaCocktail TikiÉléphante YéyéHérissonHomard le Shérif
LucioleMandrillMoufette PunketteOuaouaronPaté Chinois
PhénixReine du Jour et de la NuitRenardeRobotSuper Loutre
Season 3
Agent 00 - PingouinAmoureuxAstronauteBallerine de GlaceCaméléon
Cône OrangeDinosaureDragonHippocampeHuardLady Lévrier
LionLoupMutante RitaPopcornPoupée
Season 4
Bébé MammouthBananeBetty BettCygneDuc Colvert
Edgar la GirafeHibouJack Spi-RatLicorne
Miss MaïsRhinoSerge le LamaSoleilZebre