The Beetroot features a beetroot/ purple catsuit with purple heels. Over the top of the catsuit, is a dress that features this purple/ beetroot colour scheme, but with additional flouncy sleeves and skirt, made to resemble the delicate leaves found on a beetroot stem. The mask itself, is that of a large beetroot, with large eyes.
"Hey, sugar, I'm Beetroot. Welcome to another beautiful green day at my little countryside escape. Let's get this straight down to my purple roots, shall we? I'm just the farm town girl from way up north. Growing up far away from the plant worlds of stardom inspired me to find out who I am today. Look around, I'm very happy with my plot, it does impress me much. I'm a glass half full kind of girl, who takes pleasure from the small things. Nothing sugar beats wondering round markets looking for heavy treasures. But it's early closing time out here in the country, so no more hints for you. I'll let you decide if this is all hearsay or not."
"I was up against the Llama at the matter in my last performance and lost out. But it's still early days and there's plenty of layers for this beetroot. I got the panel in a right pickle with a salad of silly guesses. I love your accents, hello boys and girls, want a cuppa? I love the traditions in history, Henry the VIII, the Queen, Rigallea. Even though I party in the USA, there's English in these purple roots you know. And I've been known to drive an iconic British car from the swinging 60s. This purple earthy charm even joined a small list of dignitaries at one of your oldest institutions. Quite you can't guess my age. Here's a whisker of a clue - I'm younger than I look."
mind the gaps
If her majesty knew I had ___ ___ at home she would make a salad of me