"Are you ready to receive the deadly sting of the Wasp? I'm the Wasp, an insect that tries to do its best in many disciplines. Because no matter what your origins are, the most important thing is how far you can go. Since always, my dream has been to sing. Between you and me, at the beginning of my career, I had temptations, challenges that required sacrifices. In the end, savoring the sweet taste of success, that's the ultimate reward. When the best moment of your life comes, you have two options, either you leave it to luck, or you get your act together. I prefer the latter, life requires design and it requires planning. That's why I work hard, because I know that with effort, no one, no one is going to stop me. I'm the Wasp, be careful with my sting, huh!"
"I started this contest by making myself quite noticeable, have no doubt, there is pure muscle here. I'm the Wasp, and I have been performing for years in a sacred genre of entertainment in which the surprise factor... is the key. A genre that abounds with expressions such as the intruder, the lady owner, the indomitable, the other woman, the unloved woman, the stepmother, the nobody's wife. A genre that requires a lot of drama and character, although I have also undertaken other projects. And if you want to know more about me, I can tell you that my birth is related to the largest city in, over there, in Brazil. I strongly advocate the ability to share with my people. I'm the Wasp, and now, yes, I want to stir up the hornet's nest."
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Clue Answers
She has been an actress in telenovelas for 36 years, mainly in antagonistic roles.
She debuted as a comedy actress in the series "Diseñador Ambos Sexos" alongside Héctor Suárez Gomís.
In musical theater, she has participated in plays such as "La Fierecilla Tomada", "Cabaret", and "Víctor, Victoria".