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The Masked Singer Wiki

Arara (Translated as Macaw) is a masked celebrity on the first brazilian season of The Masked Singer Brasil.


Arara is a macaw with red, yellow and blue feathers. She is wearing red and gold dress inspired on the Brazilian Carnival Parade costumes, with red, yellow and blue macaw wings that are also inspired by said costunes. Alongside it, there's red stockings, and red boots. The mask is of a macaw's head with a black beak.


Week Song Selection Result
1 "K.O." by Pabllo Vittar BTM3
3 "Beleza Rara" by Banda Eva WIN
5 "Loka" by Simone & Simaria feat. Anitta WIN
6 "Medo Bobo" by Maiara & Maraísa BTM2
7 "Pagu" by Rita Lee SAFE
8 "O Show Tem Que Continuar" by Arlindo Cruz SAFE
9 "Got To Be Real" by Cheryl Lynn THIRD PLACE
Special "A Lua Que Eu Te Dei" by Ivete Sangalo (Duet with Leoa and Ivete Sangalo) SPECIAL

Smackdown Songs[]

Week VS Song Selection
6 Girassol "É" by Gonzaguinha


Week Clue
1 "I've already flew to many places that you would never imagine. Germany, Australia... even Canada. Since I have to fly, it has to be with style. But people really recognize me in our continent".
"When I was a little bird, I liked to land on billboards.".
3 "Nobody calls me by my first name, people usually call me by my second name and the Holy adore my last name."
"Once, I flew so high that I met the angels singing, then, I joined them."
5 "70+4. I was a famous child's mom."
"Once I was flying and I found a little beetle."
6 "I am getting so famous. A lady asked me to take a picture with her, that never happened to me before The Masked Singer Brazil. I am feeling in the paradise, but I need to get focused right now. I want to sing and move you, and that is what will take me forward."
2 Lies and 1 Truth
I am so great doing somersaults. Truth
I love snakes. Lie
I read magazines backwards. Lie
Mystery Box
Nail Sandpaper
Clue Answers
"Flew to many places... it has to be with style" is a reference to her model's job around the world.
Her second clue package means that the people don't call her by "Kelly" (first name), know her by "Cristina" (second name) and the Holy adore her last name (Santos, that means "Holies" in english).
"I met the angels singing, then, I joined them" is a reference to her character in "Fina Estampa", that is called Dagmar dos Anjos.
"I found a little beetle" is a reference to her acting in "Besouro" ("beetles" in english).
"I am feeling at the paradise" is a reference to her acting in "Paraíso" ("paradise" in english).

Final Guesses[]

Week Rodrigo's Guess Taís' Guess Simone's Guess Eduardo's Guess
10 Cris Vianna Juliana Alves Cris Vianna Juliana Alves

Guest Judges Guesses[]

Week Guest Guess
3 Mariana Ximenes Gloria Groove
5 Paula Fernandes Kell Smith
6 Fernanda Gentil Camila Pitanga
7 Ana Maria Braga Letícia Spiller

First Impressions[]

Rodrigo's First Impression Taís' First Impression Simone's First Impression Eduardo's First Impression
Sheron Menezes Ilze Scamparini Carolina Dieckman Eliane Giardini


  • The brazilian season’s Instagram showed the costume’s silhouette in a video posted on July 20, 2021, along with Unicórnio’s costume.
  • Arara is the first brazilian contestant to sing a host's song, being "Beleza Rara" by Banda Eva.
    • Banda Eva is the former Ivete Sangalo's band.
  • Arara is the first brazilian contestant to sing a panelist's song, being "Loka" by Simone & Simaria feat. Anitta.
    • Simone is part of the duo Simone & Simaria.
  • Taís had a minor guess that Arara was Érika Januza. She eventually took part in the third season as Broco Lee.

