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Abuelo Monstruo (translated as Grandpa Monster) is a masked celebrity contestant on the third Uruguayan season of ¿Quién es la Máscara?.


Week Song Selection Result
3 "5 Minutos" by Lucas Sugo ENTER + ELIM

Final Guesses[]

Week Fata's Guess Pato's Guess Sofía's Guess Fer's Guess
3 Juan Castillo José Carlos Alvarez De Ron Hugo Fattoruso Tata Gozález


  • Abuelo Monstruo is the third Monster costume of the Uruguayan franchise, after Monstruo from season one and Monstruito from season two.
    • Much like Monstruito, Abuelo Monstruo is a recolor of an already existing costume, in their case, a recolor of Grandpa Monster from the US version.
  • He's the first wildcard contestant of the Uruguayan franchise to be eliminated in his debut episode.